
What would Superman do if Bigfoot invaded Smallville?

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What would Superman do if Bigfoot invaded Smallville?




  1. eat him! he already ate the lochness monster...

    trust me i was there


  2. so heres how it would go down....

    c-dizzle and a-dizzle would be stollin the small town of smallville. c-dizzle pushing a-dizzle in her wheelchair, which she was in because of her recent accident in the woods, where bigfoot fell on her. all of a sudden out of nowhere, bigfoot comes. and hes after a-dizzle&c-dizzle

    [OH NO!]

    so who comes to the rescue?

    of course the s**y clark kent!.


    so superman stands in front...but bigefs got his crptonite ready bit oh yea.

    so superman falls. and bigfoot sweeps up a-dizzle. and gives her a big kiss cuz he loves her. =] and superman would just sit there. like ok. w/e bit i quit.

    the end

    ok, so my little grass want to kno the story of a-dizzle, b-dizzle and c-dizzle? well here it goes:

    once upon a time there were three girls.

    a dizzle, b dizzle, and c dizzle.

    one day they decided they wanted to go camping.

    so they packed up their bags and went to the woods.

    only, they had never been camping before.

    so they went to the worst place you could go.


    see, it was rainging, and they saw a cave.

    so they ran and ran to the cave.

    they got inside and noticed that it stank

    to high effing heaven.

    whats that noise, said c dizzle.

    all of a sudden they turn around and seven bigfoots are staring at them.

    so they run out screaming.

    they ran all the way home.

    when they got home a dizzle and c dizzle reailzed that b dizzle wasnt there.

    did we leave her at the cave?

    said c dizzle.

    uh oh. said a-dizzle.

    i think we did.


    some nights people say that you can stil hear her screaming as the bigfoots eat her alive.

  3. he'd rip in half, then go have supper.

  4. He'll probably try to talk to it first, and try to convince it to leave, then if it doesn't leave, he will use his powers. The only problem is that Bigfoot knows about Superman's secret, the Kryptonite, and it has some with it.

  5. Superman and Bigfoot do not exist.

  6. he would fly Bigfoot back to the forest where he can be safe. Superman is a doo gooder so he wouldn't hurt nim.

  7. chop his big *** foot into pieces then serve it to lex=D

  8. He would fly him to his Fortress of Solitude.

    Or deport him to Canada.

    Now answer my question about Bigfoot.

  9. Train him and keep him as a pet. Hey, this is the 21st century.

    We would probably also learn that Bigfoot is originally from Krypton and mutated after landing on Earth. In episode 2 "Bigfoot is Clark's biological father" C'mon we all believed it about Darth Vader and Luke didn't we?

  10. fight bigfoot off or get beaten up eitehr way

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