
What would U.S. do to deal with Russia Georgia War?

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What would U.S. do to deal with Russia Georgia War?




  1. They would intervene diplomatically but nothing much more.

    If the situation worsens they might fund Georgian fighters.  

  2. Yell, pound their fists and tell Russia to stop the invasion, but the United States is really not in a position to help end the conflict.  The US needs Russian oil and the US is too embroiled in conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan to offer any sort of military help.  

    Personally, I believe that Russia's involvement in Georgia has less to do with Georgian aggression than Russia's desire to gain a new port in the Black Sea for their Navy.

  3. Work a deal with Russia and tell them to stop the fighting.  

  4. Mind its own business  

  5. 24 hour media coverage and world attention would suggest military action & concicenses but it seems like the russians will reach an objective where it feels the west will offer something that they want. all in all they got something off their chest and showed some muscle and determination even though it was completely over the top and unnessesary. russia is isolating its self for no reason they take help and aid from the west and yet they act like loonatics by threatening peice with aggresion towards our allies but we are going to punnish their living standards and not go to war with these idiots. lets see what kind of support they get from their citizens when it backfires and they start ceuing up for hours to get a loaf of bread and a pound of rotten tomatoes

  6. STAY THE h**l OUT OF IT!

  7. Work a deal with Russia, maybe threaten them with economic sanctions if they don't cooperate.

    Basically, they just need to withdraw from Georgia (including the region of South Ossetia).  We need to accomplish this without starting WWIII.

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