
What would WOMEN do if a disaster took out ALL modern technology?

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Lets say an Astroid or something took away everything...

-No electricity

-No phones

-No oil or gas (thus no cars)

-No way to freeze or refrigerate meat

-No computers

-No shelter (most buildings are destroyed)

All we would have is knives, guns and the clothes on our backs.

Two questions:

1. With men and women together, would everything go back to CAVE MAN days, with men as protectors and women as baby makers and care takers?

2. If men REFUSED to assist women in any way, would they survive as long as the men? (all pregnant women get killed in the disaster) so NO reproduction. Its just seeing who lives longest before the human race is gone.


LOGICAL ANSWERS ONLY. This is a "what if" question. Therefore, Religious claims and arguments about how likely this is to ever happen are IRRELEVANT.




  1. I know people who depend on subsistence living.  The men and women work together, and everyone is able to do all that is necessary to survive.  They often break the work down by gender. but everyone does learn how to do everything and is able to do it.

  2. better question is... what would feminists resort to?

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't guns a much more advanced technology than tents?  Why would we lose the ability to put up tents, but still have guns?  I'm confused.

    Let's see. . . I think in "caveman" days, the women apparently grew and prepared all the staple foods, and the men brought back all that good meat protein at sporadic intervals.  That sort of thing is still vaguely wired into us and most cultures, so let's go with the assumption for now if we're already in this unrealistic scenario.  In that case, I'll vote for the women.  Vegans seem to survive in modern society.  I don't know that men would all be able to learn how to hunt fast enough to fend off starvation.

    Oh, I just noticed that you took away our ability to refrigerate meat.  I'm definitely going with the women, then.

  4. Lol, this isn't "cave man" days you're talking about.  People live like this all over the world.  (and lived for millennia without oil, electricity or computers)  And I'm quite certain that they would tell you that no one person can do everything themselves.  We'd end up sharing the work.  According to s*x?  Maybe.  Would you be surprised to learn though that in many cultures both men and women hunt and fish?

    I believe that in most pre-industrial type societies women still have longer lifespans than men do as well.  I might be wrong about that.

    (Also, it is difficult to answer this question using logic because you're starting out with some very flawed preconceptions about how people live without modern conveniences in the first place.)

  5. Haha they would probably die or kill themselves. But that would suck cause I love women :D I never said that women were stupid like people think I said, I was just saying that women can't live without some stuff like a cell phone or internet access.

  6. Let's not forget that women gathered the food that made up the bulk of the prehistoric diet. But of course you'd leave that out.

    If this happened, women would band together and focus solely on methods for survival. If men refused to help, we'd let it be.

  7. You want logical answers to an illogical scenario LOL.  Men would not have it any easier than women.  They are used to technology as well.

    Foods would be preserved just like they were before freezers.   Its called canning and some people still do it today.    Women can sew- therefore they can make tents.

  8. Well, we would still have the people who know how to make technology and the books with information would still be around so we could rebuild eventually. In the mean time we could just make small settlements and farm. Craftsmen and artisans would definitely not be as poor as they are these days. We would rebuild eventually.

    Is the girl below me serious? L*****n tribes raping men to procreate? I'm not against it, but women without their husbands or other protective males would become rape victims. Rape would go up beyond belief. Women would have to live in communities with laws enforced by men for protection until larger societies could be reconstructed. That does not mean that these communities could not be egalitarian, but men would be necessary for security from other men.

  9. Ahhh the simple life.  Well I'd be happy because that's what I already do, am a care-taker/mother who knows how to produce food, hand sew garments and cook a nice meal from scratch.

    Question is- are you trying to make women realise how much they need men or are you trying to prove mens superiority somehow?

    If men refused to help women, then naturally we'd find it hard, but it'd be hard anyway-no picnic.  The two main things are food and shelter, I'm sure that women will fare just fine with both.  Even a young toddler will instinctively find shelter if lost in the woods.

  10. I think cannibalism wouldn't be taboo anymore.

    1. Probably live in the ruins, sewers, tents, and other makeshift dwellings.

    2. Men would cave in, as we couldn't go that long without s*x.  Women would survive longer, longer life spans.

    This sounds like a rejected screenplay to an M. Night Shyamaln movie.

  11. I (as a woman) would take my two dogs, my husband, my son, and my tent to the nearby canyon. There (with our guns and ammo) my husband and I (not because I couldn't do it without him but because I have no reason to be without him) would find and kill animals for food. We would be perfectly a completely different life but still fine. My daddy raised me hunting and fishing, taking care of my family, and thinking nothing of material possessions.

    On the other hand, most females today who care more about shopping, tanning, and getting their nails done, would freak out and no, they would not be able to take care of themselves. Then again, a lot of men these days are the same way.

    Note: That's just dumb...why would there be no tents? If you're going to ask a question at least make it make sense!! So basically a disaster destroyed everything but people, animals, guns, and knives? Okay...kinda stupid but if that's your rules then fine. In that case I would take my son, husband, dogs, and horses to the ranch. Where I would live off the plants and cows that are already there. We'll make shelter, have food (including dairy, meat, vegetation..etc), and stick it out there living the GOOD life, the life we lived before people were obsessed with technology and material possessions.

  12. It would all be reinvented in about a week. But I assume you're excluding that idea. Well, many women would go nuts, like many men, but I think for the most part we'd be ok, and actually the world would be a much safer place.

  13. You want logical answers to a stupid hypothetical that will never happen, and especially to a question that requires the answerer to base his or her answer on stereotypes and cultural-centricism? LOL. Silly question.

    And BTW, guns and knives are technology.

  14. If everything was shut down tomorrow I hardly think we'd all be living like cave men-there are just too many spare parts laying around and people are resourceful-you would see little methanol plants and wind generators in everyone backyards,lots of mopeds and electric scooters,etc.The cities ,however, would definitely be a lawless mess controlled by street gangs looking for food,etc.We'd definitely be armed to the teeth with local militias,etc.It would be more like the Great Depression squared for a generation until we sorted out the energy thing again.What you are referring to is more like the aftermath of a global nuclear war-ok,that would be Madmaxish. Men wouldn't abandon women,though.Farmers would be the new Lords of the manor supervising large motley bands of former software engineers,bureaucrats,and web designers-supervised by Mexican foremen with bandoleers and automatic weapons.

  15. you do know that our intelligence has increase scene the ice ages.

    It is entirely possible to have an egalitarian society that is hunter gather based. the native americans did it.

    So neither.

  16. Women were not just baby makers and care takers in caveman days.  They were hunter-gatherers, which meant that women were responsible for gathering the plant food which makes up a large proportion of the diet in most hunter-gatherer societies.  That is why, in primitive agricultural societies, it is generally women who do the farming, because farming is an extension of gathering.

    Neither women nor men would do well on their own, since the skills of both are necessary to survivial in a pre-industrial society.  for instance, when the early colonies in America were being settled, women's skills were absolutely vital to the survival of the settlements.  In 1619, the Virginia House of Burgesses, petitioning that wives as well as husbands be eligible for grants of free land, argued that "it is not known whether man or woman be the most necessary."  If we reverted to a pre-Industrial era, we would have to re-learn the skills that pre-industrial women had, spinning and weaving, food preservation, making butter and cheese, making candles and soap, concoting home remedies etc.  it would be very hard work, and I hope it doesn't happen.

  17. Women are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves without the help of men. Women know how to use guns and knives just  like you. Women would live longer because we have always had a survivors will. If we didn't then we would have died a long time ago. Besides the most dangerous thing to women is men. They are the ones who murder, rape and abuse them. Another thing their are these things called sperm banks and they have lots and lots of sperm so we can always repopulate the earth without the use of men. Also as long as men are walking the earth then the likely hood of not populating the earth is slim to none since the only think men think about when it comes to women is s*x. Why don't you try going without for a month and see which one of us is most likely to kill themselves. Women can go without much longer than men and I am living proof of that. And you just stated that women may become baby makers so you just contradicted yourself. Men have never really protected women they are the primary reason women are killed. Also men would not survive because they wouldn't know how to cook the d**n food in the first place you boob.

  18. Ok let's see IF something like this were to happen. My husband AND I would get out the rifles and kill something, probably a deer since they are in abundance in my area, for supper that night. I then would take my knife, gut the animal, remove it's fur and then make it into a nice stew or maybe some jerky for later. I doubt I would do any long term preserving because there wouldn't be a place to store it properly and we'd run the risk of attracting other animals. We would seek shelter of some kind, maybe a cave since there is also a nice, semi-cozy cave in the woods by my house. We'd gather wood for the fire and water to drink and then begin settling into our nice home. I would also take the skin and fur from the animal we killed and sew them into blankets/clothes/etc.

    Pregnant or not, I would do just fine in the wild surviving on what equipment I have and my wits. Been there, done that, nothing new.

    When stuck in a survival situation people(bother MEN and WOMEN) will do whatever it takes to survive. Those who can will bone up, those who can't will die. This goes for both sexes, not just women, not just men.

    Next question please.

  19. 1. for number one, it would probly happen in other parts of the world but not in the US i think. because women tend to have a more radical personality.

    2. women would survive. they may not be as strong or forceful as men, but they are just as smart.

  20. eep!

    i think we would just re-invent things and eveything will be back to normal.... women are completely capable of doing what ever a man can do, but if the men do leave their pregnant ladies, then that would be a 2nd degree murder or whatever its called

  21. Basicly i'll just CRY lol

    ... no food and no pads when my period comes. Not to mention everyone's breath with smell stink with all those weeks of not eating or brushing teeth.


  22. Interesting question.  I wouild say that we would have to learn to live in the environment we are surrounded with.  we would have to find some way of adapting to our new environment.  Eventually, the people would invent new technology or find a way to re-build the technology that was lost.  

    As far as the women go....I don't think they can go back to making babies and staying at home.  With how successful and job oriented they have become, I see them helping to re-build in whatever way they can.  I also don't think men would ever refuse to help women in any way.  

    I think you would be very surprised a thow long women can survive.  They are able to do things men cannot.  Some women also have more creative solutions to problems than men.  So I think women would give the men a run for their money.  A women's wrath is something you don't want to mess with.  They can be more brutal than men sometimes.  So I don't know.  It would be an interesting world if this happened.

  23. Perhaps you haven't evolved much intellectually from your caveman forebearers, Mike, but many of the rest of us have.

  24. -No electricity- Candles.

    -No phones- letters

    -No oil or gas (thus no cars) walk

    -No way to freeze or refrigerate meat- preservation...packing meat in salt so it doesnt spoil.

    -No computers- again letters. board games. i mean checkers and chess and all that was played way before computers came.

    -No shelter (most buildings are destroyed)- Rebuild.

    basically..if all that happened i would look back to the time when none of our modern faculties existed and try my best to learn from those times.

    hmm thumbs down? ok ok fine..uhm ( talking like im in front of a class in 4th grade..picking my nose) we would rely on the men to help us.and we would cry alot...coz we wouldnt know what to do coz we are girls...

  25. 1.half and half. Women are smart too so they'll work.

    2.Yes,i guess. Back in the old days the women prepared all the food and sometimes did a little of hunting so women and men will die out at the same time.

  26. 1.with our modern mind we woun't go to caves,we'll be like hobos getting threw by each day with our lifes we got.For families, it hardcore, women would have to brest feed babies,men go to kill for food or find some.

    2.For the no reproduction and no human left you should watch national goegraphic, Atfermath:Population zero on how earth will be on after our culture gone to peices

  27. This is ridiculous - what does this have to do with women in the first place? We simply would live like people did back when life was simple - it is possible to live without electricity/technology...

  28. Why is this a gender question? Men and women would be in the same boat. But normal people don't have this problem that you seem to have with gedner. We would group together to survive in various groups regardless of gender.

    In a lot of action movies the women are helpless with guns etc and sruvving but these are completely ridiculous. if it were me I'd take charge of the situation nd do whatever to surive.

  29. 1) men wouldn't survive much better

    2) some individuals might go back to caveman like behavior, but i think there would be groups of people that recognized the value of small towns and cooperation.

    3) i believe, but can not prove, that many woman would learn how to use guns and knives pretty quickly.

    4) i certainly can't prove it, but i believe that many men would still enjoy s*x and would want to enjoy s*x with women, protect women for that reason - and establish relationships other than owners-slave or rapist/victim.

    5) smart men would realize the value to the future of protecting children.

  30. while according to the liberal feminist movement that tried to come out in the 70's, women would all become lesbians and disassociate themselves from men and thus men lose their control over them. They would work for and with each other in all fields of work and would reproduce in other ways. The 'other ways' were surgical, but I am sure that in cave men days it could be through raping a man.

    Remember the old saying, it does not take an individual to raise a child, but rather, a community. That is what a female 'tribe' would do.

  31. I lived in Puerto Rico for a long time. And we had hurricanes.

    Years ago one hurricane destroyed most of the electrical system of the island and it took months for things to get to normal.

    No electricity = no computers, refrigerator, tv or other things..

    Granted not the same.

    But what hapened is that most people began to help each other and got to know their neighboors and help each other. There where an incident in which someone asalted another person for a bag of ice. But for most time people where far better persons.

    So I guess that if technology magically disappeared people would begin to help each other a lot more than they do now.

    Plus, heaven forbid it, the speculators and rich people for the first time on their lives will need to work. I would really like to see that.

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