
What would YOU do if you caught your child with a knife?

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What would YOU do if you caught your child with a knife?




  1. time out in the corner unless he is over 17 then I run to the sheriffs office around the corner for a form to commit the

    The phsyco!.


  2. My stepsons got their pocket knives at about 9 or 10-same as me.I was good with a knife before that from helping in the kitchen.

  3. Depends on the knife and where we were and the reason behind the kinfe. NO need to over react till you know the whole story.

  4. i would take him/her to the police station for a fright and ask them to keep them there for a while

    hopefully that would  change there minds on carrying knifes

  5. It depends on how responsible they are and what they were doing with it.

    I don't think that age has a lot to do with things like that, but they need to be old enough to understand that mishandling something like that can lead to serious consequences.

    My brother had his first swiss army knife at 10, same with my husband. They were fine.

    Although, my husband did have an accident with it when he was 16. For some reason, he was whittling a plastic ball point pen with it, and had his thumb where it shouldn't be, and sliced the tip off. His sister (who was my best friend at the time) thought it was hilarious and made a scrapbook page of the whole ordeal. My dad cut his finger with a knife while working when he was 30... so age really doesn't make that big of a difference. You can't coddle them forever. Give them responsibility for such things when they've earned it.

    Lol! These answers are hilarious!

    Is this question from Yahoo UK? It doesn't differentiate which yahoo region the question is from in the US, but knives are  legal here, and where I grew up (rural Missouri) you NEVER hear of knife crime!

    That's just sick, Do british kids just go and stab people for the fun of it if they happen to find a knife?


  6. depends on why they had it, it may be peer pressure or feeling scared at school i would talk to my child and explain why you shouldnt have a knife and the dangers of carrying one

  7. If ur child caught a knife then first take the knife from his hand

    and choose a place for the knife which is far away from his reach,dont  give any reactions like showing eyes and all

    or extreme  case scolding him

    Prevention is better than cure

  8. I would point out that they are risking their life as much as anyone else's, if you carry a knife you are more likely to be a victim yourself. I haven't brought my children up to disrespect life. If they are being bullied they should talk to me and not resort to violence.

  9. It depends on the age of the child. If they were a small child, I'd just tell them "No, you don't play with knives" and take it away, and put it somewhere they couldn't reach. If they were an older kid, say early teens, I wouldn't care - that was the age my siblings and I wound up getting our own knives for whatever reasons. My parents' reaction was usually "Oh, that's a nice knife, is it new?" or "Just be careful not to cut yourself" or something along those lines. Then again, we grew up in a rural area, where knives were tools, not weapons, and I knew more teachers who had pocketknives in school than students who didn't, and there never were any incidents where students used their knives on each other, despite there being more than a few fights, cause we just didn't use them that way. However, my mom says she does feel better about me being on my own if I have a knife on me, although I think she'd prefer I get a CCW when I turn 21 cause I'm really tiny and asthmatic (can't really run, can't use pepper spray).

    To everyone who says take their kid down to the police station: What the h**l are the police supposed to do? It's not against the law to have a knife.

  10. Kill them and march them straight down to the police station but hopefully because I am bringing my children up to be decent honest people they will not carry knives and thankfully I do not live in an area where carrying knives is the 'done thing'

  11. if it was to hurt someone i would call the police for sure

  12. No sorry, i'd promptly march them down to the police station!

    The reason is simple. This, or any weapon is more likely to be turned on my child themselves. I have no desire to bury any of my children and i've no desire for any other mother out there to do so either. More over i'd be mortified if ANY child of mine were to harm anyone! that's not how they were raised and thankfully none of them have ever done such things.

  13. Depends, if he was buttering some bread or eating his dinner then nothing, if it was a large knife which he carried around for no good reason then I would slap him silly and make sure he never did it again!

  14. CONFISCATE   it.  There is no need for a child to have one unless they are buttering their own sandwich.  

    Talk, talk, talk.  If you can't talk about the small stuff then when it comes time to talk about the important things, they won't listen.

  15. The opposite of what my own Mum did. I'd talk to him and ask why he feels that he needs to carry a knife. Overreacting initially would be silly - I don't yet know his reasons. There's no point going mad at him and punishing him straight away when there might be a serious issue behind it. I'd sit him down and tell him why he shouldn't be carrying a knife and what image he is giving himself by doing it. I'd ask him why he is doing it and obviously take action to stop him carrying the knife.

    It could be that he is feeling so paranoid and scared that he feels he needs to do so for protection, or he might be intending to use it for violence. Either way, there is an issue that needs resolving and grounding him and shouting won't resolve it. Obviously, appropriate punishment might need to be carried out but until I know the full story I'll just stay calm.

    My own Mum didn't care when she found me, at the age of thirteen, carrying a knife around with me. I lived in quite a rough estate in London and it was just common to carry a weapon.

  16. take them to the police

  17. Straight to the cop shop, even get him charged if the offence was serious enough

  18. I have no clue! Panic probably. I guess it would depend on the age. If they were really little I would just take it away and make sure the knives were out of reach. If they were older, say toddler age, I would tell them NO and explain how they can hurt you. If they were older children who knew better I would probably take away some privileges until I could trust them no to have a knife.

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