
What would YOU do if you were offered drugs.?

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What would YOU do if you were offered drugs.?




  1. Just Say NO.... No wait... whatta ya got?

  2. you kiddin? i have to think about this one.. UMM NO!

  3. Pass it up .  It is the smart way to go .

  4. Ohhhhh WOW mabie um... well...... say NO!

  5. If i was offered drugs, it would depend on A) the legality, B) The potential harm (and whether or not the harm is circumventable through any means, be it delivery, frequency if use, or otherwise), C) Potential dependency D) My awareness of the substance in question, and E) any possible negative effects. If any of the first four were met with a bad answer, I would say No there and then. If the last two were met with a negative answer there is still a possibility I might partake in the usage of the substance, BUT.

    ALWAYS research anything you are thinking of taking. If you aren't aware of it, say no until you ARE. Find out everything about the substance because taking it effects YOU, NOONE ELSE.

    ALWAYS do it with people you can trust. If something has a negative effect (particularly if its one local to you due to an allergy that you were not aware of) you need to have people around who can get you help, or look after you if you need it.

    Drugs are not inherently bad in and of themselves, but a lack of a sensible attitude is.

  6. accept them, happily.


  7. i would say...

    "if you think this is cool you must me crazy because these things take an hour off your life and could damage allot of things in your body!i would say no and walk straight away because its verry unhealhy for you!always say NO

  8. say "no thanks i dont do drugs because i dont wanna ruin my life but if u want to im not stoppin u its ur decision" and just walk away because ur probly better than that and that just setting a bad example fro everybody and its just killing more and more people in this world who do that and if u say no then thats one less tho is not.

    Live above the influence

    well i hope i helped

  9. i say 'oh cool thanks' and light it up :)

  10. walk away,dont even engage the person in conversation,its not worth it and they will never understand your arguement against not using drugs,because its easier for them to bring you down to their level than it is for them to quit and rise above it.

  11. I would say no and walk away because I know drugs can seriously harm you, or even KILL you.

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