
What would a NASCAR driver do if he had to pee while driving?

by  |  earlier

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what do they do when they can't control their bladder? I know this is a dum question help me out




  1. a little hose in the belt line that goes to a waste can. i did some racing back in the day.

  2. check into an old folks home and retire

  3. They ask you to pull their finger

  4. whip out the cup! Lol

  5. He/she would answer the call of nature

  6. the uniform is fitted with a false bladder and pee tube. When you have to go....just go!

  7. Yay, woo hoo!!  Someone finally asked this question!!  I've been really anxious to answer this burning question.  Ok, here is the answer.  Are you ready?  They pull over on the side of the road and pee in the woods.  Now, aren't you glad you asked?


    I took the time to look the question up for you since you didn't bother to do it yourself before asking. If you feel you need more answers to this tired question.......there is THREE more pages for you to look at. Let me know if you can "hold it" the entire time it takes you to read them all!

  9. i think they're wearing some sort of diaper or something

  10. They have like a urinary system inside the jump suit. If they have to go they just start peeing and it goes in to a bag. Kind of like how they do it in a hospital except they can really go to the bathroom. Hahah.

  11. What would you do?

  12. There are 187 prior questions in the seach bank for this question alone. Go to the search for questions at the top of the YA page and type it in. But since you have to know they hang it out the window and let r rip. Thats the moisture you see on the cameras on the roof top of the car.

  13. Pee. In their pants.

  14. I love seeing THE SAME QUESTION posted over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

  15. Like I say the other 39,000 times this question has been asked, during a caution they aim it out the window net!!

  16. they p**s themselves

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