
What would a baby bird eat?

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I saw a baby blue jay and just out of curiosity was wondering if it would eat any household food.




  1. Baby Blue Jays are omnivorous. The parents mostly feed them pieces of fruit. You can put out blueberries for the parents to feed the baby. They will also feed the babies little pieces of undigested acorns. Unlike what most people think, insects make up only a small part of the baby Blue Jay's diet. You can put meal worms out if you want. They will also feed them seeds from their crop. Blue Jays like sunflower seeds. You can put these out for the parent birds if you want. I'm sure they will feed some to the babies. Blue Jays will also eat almost all types of nuts. But, the parents only feed already eaten, but undigested food (stored in their crop) to their babies. You can put out peanuts, cashews, almonds, or any other nut. But, you must only put out unsalted. Blue Jays don't require much salt in their diet.

    We have Blue Jays around our house and I always put out sunflower seeds. They like the large black oil sunflower seeds the best. It is a really good source of protein for them. I've had finches come eat it too. I've also put out a bird bath. It is so hot out and many birds frequent it every day. Some Blue Jays will even eat mice. But, usually only the large males. I've even seen a Jay go after a frog. I think he might have got it too! They will even raid nests of other birds and eat the eggs. Sometimes they will even eat baby birds of other species. They really love sunflower seeds though. Another favorite of them is peanuts. They will eat all the peanuts I put out. They are super smart birds and will even burry food for later. Blue Jays don't always remember where they hid their food, and that is how some trees and plants are planted!

    Blue Jays are in the Corvidae family. They are related to crows, magpies, and other jays. They grow to be about a foot long. The top of them is bright blue. They have white on their face, belly, and some on their wings.

    There are a lot of Blue Jays that hang around our oak trees. I've seen them in the park too.

    Blue Jays lay 4-6 eggs. They line their nest with grass. They prefer to nest in conifer trees.

    Blue Jays live almost everywhere east of the Rockies They are even found in Southern Canada. Their habitat is slowly expanding west. I wonder if they will make it all the way to California?

  2. Bread  and  worms.

  3. Once every hour, (Expect at night.) they would eat, worms, and that stringy hamburger stuff.

    By the way, keep them in a little cage, that has a water bowl in it or else it could get dehydrated, that's how my baby robin, Floppy died.

    Do NOT feed it bird seed, he\she could choke.

  4. i to gust found a baby bird  i have found that thay need lots of protien so feed then wet dog food ,mill worms witch you can get at a locale pet shop ,and dog biscuts (milk bons only) soked in milk

  5. Bird seeds & prolly some sort of vegetables..

  6. We often feed local wild birds and my very favorite thing to leave out for the mommies and babies is meal worms.  You can purchase them cheaply at your local pet supply store and leave them out in a small bowl and the moms and babies usually come and eat them.  So cute!!

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