
What would a feminist tell her son?

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How would she comfort him the first time his heart was broken by a woman?...The first time he was "taken for all he was worth" by a "woman"?...What would she teach him his roles were around the house?...Would she cook for him?...Would she DEMAND that he cook sometimes, even at the tender age of, let's say 6?




  1. Where do you come up with this hateful c**p?

    She'd stand by and support her son, and keep her opinions about what happens between he and other women to a minimum. That's what my mom does - and she's a feminist.

  2. She'd probably tell him that she had every right as an strong independent lady to dump him and break his heart. Typical feminist mindset.

  3. "How would she comfort him the first time his heart was broken by a woman?" She'd tell him the truth: that life sucks sometimes and humans and love relationships are imperfect.

    "The first time he was "taken for all he was worth" by a "woman"? is that where your miserable bitterness comes from Hannibal?

    "What would she teach him his roles were around the house?" Helping with chores, just like any member of the family.

    "Would she cook for him?" Maybe, if she cooks. Would his father cook for him too?

    "The tender age of six." hated Mommy too? I understand you now.

  4. Men aren't heart broken by women..... We're men!

  5. Okay, what you're suggesting is bad parenting, if you're saying a feminist would do this to a male child, then how exactly would an anti-feminist treat a female child? Make her cook at the age of six, tsk tsk, I should hope not. If this female feminist is a full time mother or works part-time then she'll probably cook for her children won't she, and as feminism is about gender equality she will treat them equally. A good parent will console their child when they need it, why are you even thinking such bitter things? Why are some men so insecure as to think feminists, in the true sense of the word, are out to get them. I'd never make my kids cook or whatnot, me and my husband would probably take turns depending upon our career status...If someone was cruel enough to treat my child wrongly, no matter who, I'd tell them that awful person wasn't worth it.

  6. What do you think a "non-feminist" would tell her son?  And why do you think there would be a difference?

    And the last question is just silly.


  8. LOL. These questions just serve to prove how misinformed you are about feminism.

    Read a book; you might just learn something.

  9. ummm I think I'll aim for my son to not be "taken for all he was worth" at the age of six.....

    What kind of childhood did you have?

  10. She would tell him something a h**l of a lot nicer than what a misogynist would tell his daughter!

  11. What kind of parent would let a child near a stove? You're just loooking to stir up trouble. I don't have a son but I have little brother and since he's younger than me I prepare his food sometimes. I read him stories and play with him. There is nothing anti-feminist about being nurturing to a child. If my son or brother ever got duped by a woman, I'll tell them that this happens. This experience makes them stronger, wiser, and will help them in seeing who is a better woman for him next time.

  12. She would tell him that he deserved it for thinking that woman needed him in the first place! And cook??? Can feminists cook, isn't that too degrading for them, their nobodies slave ya know!! And being six is no excuse, "Now get off your male a$$ and cook for mommy, I've had a rough day at the office!!"

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