
What would a fitting coercive punishment be for a wife who is neglecting her wifely duties?

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My wife has been consorting with online feminists lately and has become lax in her duties as a wife. The house is a mess, the kids don't get dinner on time, and the laundry is piling up.. She actually expects me to help do the laundry.

I am thinking of restricting her internet access, cutting her allowance in half and cutting off cable television so she doesn't have so much temptation and opportunity to sluff off..

I want to be firm but fair, a

Any advice ?




  1. I seriously hope you are joking because if you're not prepare for a divorce.

  2. 1-800-DIVORCE

    For her, not you.  You have issues.

  3. Don't feed the troll, people. He's clearly out to wind everyone up.

  4. ok have opened a big can of worms..every female that sees your question is boiling right now..if you had asked this many years ago you might have gotten some favorable answers...but with todays women you cant say those things and expect a good answer..good luck dude

  5. She needs bringing back into line, not online.  Disconnect the computer and TV, then lock her in until the jobs are done.

  6. A spanking would be in order as well.

  7. Cleaning a man's toenails is disgusting. Pick that.  

  8. Get another one to help her out. From your avatar, I'm guessing polygamy isn't out of the question.  

  9. U should hold her down & give her a good l*****g, make sure she screams :)

  10. You should think about what drove her to consort with online feminists in the first place.  Reading what you wrote gives me a good idea why.

    Try to have a "civil" conversation with her and ask her, very calmly, why she has become detached from her family environment and tell her you're there for her and for you as a couple.  Best of luck.

  11. By far I think the most humane thing to do would be to deprive her of your company and conversation.

  12. Hide the computer in the broom closet. She will never have the internet again.

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