
What would a good job be for me?

by  |  earlier

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I am interested in journalism, medicine , the environment and politics. I am only 13 but I would like to have a plan for a futurer life.




  1. you can make money now at 13 at this site

  2. There might not be much that you can do at your age that's legit and you can get paid for but you can do some volunteer work.

    Just see what's available where you live and it will help you find a well suited career later in life.

  3. well, have you ever thought of what you are good at? you see, you like some jobs when your teenage, but they maybe don't fit you. actually you don't have to worry about your future career from now on. at first you should decide about your future way of life, do you think it's good to plan coming days of life based on the job you would do? HM.. job isn't that important. of course it will effect your bread and butter issues in future, but I guess you still haven't gained a thorough & correct view of what you're faced in this world.

    I just want to say don't bond yourself to some few choices as journalism, politics, etc while you even don't have any experience on them, try to have a bigger view of career & life, and try to get experienced as mush as you can & you have time in every thing & every job that worth trying at least once, and postpone this decision to future when you are more experienced.

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