
What would a good topic for a philosophy thesis be?

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I am going into my senior year of college and I need to write senior thesis for my philosophy major. I am most interested in political philosophy, logic, logical positivism, and ethics. I am planning on either going to law school or graduate school for economics so a topic that could compliment either of these paths would be great!

Thanks for the input!




  1. Hmm; What about Morals? and the Logic Behind it?;

    Where it came from? its effects and the changes of the perception of morality-the difference of social norms and morality(if it has any difference at all?).

    And w/ Morals a lot can be talked about; what is written above, s*x (acceptance of homosexuality; is it right or wrong?)

    And what about "band wagon" , Social Contract, And your stand about it (thinking if the world might go astray from what is right or wrong, because of all the confusion of the changes /Moral Deviation)

    And for an argument if morals can be change by time then what if in the future Man will do anything that is thought by us as disgusting and very much not accepted.

    Example: Eating fetus as delicacies - Not happening but what if it is?

  2. How about transhumanism? You could discuss the ethical, legal, or economical impact of technology as it becomes increasingly "smarter", or how the line between man and machine is beginning to get blurry (biological chips and integrating computer technology into our bodies). Will there ever become a time when we need to consider ethics when is comes to computers (the way ethics are being considered for animals)?

    Here's a question for you: if, over time, my body is entirely replaced by motorized substitutes (better heart, lungs, limbs, organs, and even brain), what part of me still remains? Is this transformation something we should embrace? Will we lose our humanity?

  3. What is the next step for human evolution?

  4. Perhaps something like the inherent conflict between governance and freedom or between justice and mercy.

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