
What would a person mean when saying this?

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i am your secret...dont tell me about the rest of the world...i only want you..

can someone analyze this for me?




  1. I believe the boy is saying that he doesn't want to hear about anyone else.

    he doesn't care about anyone else.

    he only cares about you.

    its very sweet,your really lucky.

  2. That only want you to no that that love you.

  3. I would be afraid, and stay away from who is saying that to you.

    Sounds too creepy for  me.

  4. He's being romantic on one hand and with the other asking for some lovin!  Hope it's not your English teacher!  LOL

  5. It's not quite consistent or sensible but we'll get to the thoughts that were MEANT rather than the ones that were SAID. If I am YOUR secret, it is the world that you should not tell about ME rather than the other way around.

    Assuming the words were carelessly spoken, it SEEMS that the intent is to say that this relationship is so special that it does not and should not involve the rest of the world and should take place in a vacuum, insulated from all other effects.

    This, of course, goes beyond the romantic into the totally naive since no relationship on this earth can exist without regard for the context of the rest of the world and other relationships. To speak in terms that might make sense only on a desert island is a bit silly.

    Of course, various romantic tales ( e.g. Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, Abelard and Heloise ) seemed wonderful until the intrusion of the reality of the world created tragedy.

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