
What would a psychologist make of some of the Q & A on R & S?

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I was always curious, what a shrink would make of some the questions and responses made on R & S.

Any one in the mental health field - please put in your two cents please? What do you make of all of this?




  1. The shrink would need counseling after just 10 minutes in this place.

    Or a good shot of home-brewed Prozac.

  2. That there are some highly delusional people on here

  3. I'm a psychotherapist - will that do?  What I see on here is pretty much what I see everywhere - many people who haven't had the chance to form good enough relationships, to be loved and understood enough, and have found ways of protecting themselves from the inner hurt and wounding by doing such things as - hating others, making themselves feel good by making out that others are 'bad', wanting authority to act as a safe figure so that they feel secure (and hence not thinking for themselves), etc.  Elsewhere I might see a slightly different pattern of defences, but it's not so different.  We are all a little hurt and damaged by our experience of life, none of us is able to see everything clearly, we all trip ourselves up sometime.  But however compassionate I may feel towards the individual underlying the attitudes, I am never going to tolerate wilful ignorance, unwillingness to listen to people who know what they're talking about, prejudice, hatred, racism, sexism, homophobia and downright nastiness.  People do have to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, however much one may understand the causes of some of the unpleasantness.

  4. Give me 2 years to finish my Psychology course and I'll tell you.

  5. We will have the shrinks talking to shrinks when we get done with them.

  6. Are you kidding me, you know how many shrinks there are in these forums,.and not for educational reasons either, for pleasure!

    It's the old saying ya know,.It takes one to help one!!

    (((Zombie Kitty))) LOL!!  I rest my case!

  7. He/She would probably think that the inmates had taken over the asylum.

  8. My dad saw me answer in this forum before. He was surprised to see that many believers here ask stupid. racist, and offensive questions.

    He also think that this forum is really funny, though he needed aspirin after reading some questions.

  9. The secret lies within for psychologist may learn more on here then in school.

  10. -Okay, you asked for it, so let me put my shrink hat on and see if I can give some insights.  First of all I don't think anybody is insane, a little bit wacky and neurotic but not crazy.  I do see some really lonely and insecure people on here, but they do reach out for help and that is a good thing.  Since this is R&S, I do feel that the some people feel their religion is above others and therefore are egocentric and have some delusions that they have to convert the whole world.  The rest are rather normal, clinically speaking,  however I would not presume to make a diagnosis based on this forum.  It would be interesting to me to have a group therapy session just to see te interaction of some of you.  I have worked in juvenile detention centers and maximum security prison, so I have seen some really disturbed people--so this is a "normal" bunch of people.  I also have worked as a drug counselor, so I have seen denial at its best.  You all may think people are crazy on here , but most are exploring others points of view and whether we agree or not, most of time it is all in fun.  I would like to add that nobody is as unique as they think they are, we are all human beings with the capability to hurt someone with our words, so maybe when someone asks for help, some compassion could be important.  However, personally I even get irritated with stupid people too and maybe I should try to be more tolerant.  Easier said than done.

  11. I'm working toward a degree in Psychology and I've worked in the health care Field for about 17 years, including psych wards, group homes, head injury rehab, etc.

    I'd say 90% of the atheists here had a strict upbringing and are projecting their frustrations out onto all Christians everywhere. I'd like to think most atheists don't have the level of intolerance I see here. It's rather disturbing actually.

    <edit> ", you know how many shrinks there are in these forums"

    Probably about the same amount of legitamate Nigerian generals that want to send me millions of dollars. "On the Internet no one knows you're really a dog"

    "He was surprised to see that many believers here ask stupid. racist, and offensive questions."

    Not as surprising when you realize many atheists have sock pupett accounts and pretend to be Christians. Sometimes all you have to do is look back at their past questions and see that they were not only atheists, but knew how to spell. See link above.

  12. ...That would actually be really fun to see.

    Star for you! xD

  13. The ones obsessed with defecation and passing gas?  Ask the atheists.  

  14. lol, your average shrink couldnt handle it! i think they would go insane trying to figure out the minds of some of the R&Sers

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