
What would a train driver do if he saw something on the track?

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What would a train driver do if he saw something on the track?




  1. It takes a train about almost a mile to stop. Many trains kill animals and people because of this fact. I would say that most train Engineers have killed someone or something during their career.

  2. Trains can't stop quickly or swerve. The average freight train is about 1 to 1¼ miles in length (90 to 120 rail cars).

    When it's moving at 55 miles an hour, it can take a mile or more to stop after the locomotive engineer fully applies the emergency brake so if he sees something it will likely be run over.

  3. blow the whistle & attempt to stop the train

  4. Blow his horn and try to stop but it takes a long time to stop a train.

  5. the 3rd poster nailed it if he could see it then it's too late to avoid it so prepare for impact

  6. Blow the horn,   hit the brakes,   pray like crazy the stupid thing moves before he gets there.

    Keep in mind that trains can take well over a mile to stop,  depending on speed and momentum.

  7. Blow the horn.  That's all they can realistically do.

    Your car has 2 tons of weight, disc brakes, maneuverability and the EXCELLENT friction of rubber on pavement to stop with.

    A train weighs 40,000 to 80,000 tons, cannot swerve, and the limited metal-on-metal friction to stop with.  It takes about a mile or two to stop that much mass, so by the time an engineer saw something on the track, there is nothing they can do but try to warn someone that they are coming.

  8. its hard to stop a train quickly so if its not too big then just run over it or if it is big, stop it as good as you can

  9. They stop the train.

  10. Brace himself for impact-by the time he can see the obstruction it's usually far too late too stop.He'd still go into an emergency stop to minimise the speed of impact-but nevertheless the impact would usually be unavoidable.

  11. Prepare for impact.

    A train cannot slow quickly. It can take more than a mile for a train to come to a complete stop.

    The engineer would sound the horn, begin the process of bringing the train to a stop (but know that he is going to hit), and brace for impact. An obstacle in the tracks can derail a train, leading to catastrophe (especially if it's a passenger train or a train hauling hazardous chemicals).


  12. apply the brakes, blow the horn, he may or may not get stopped

  13. Pray

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