
What would all the PETA fanatics do if everyone in the world became a VEGAN?

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Where would you fanatics put all the animals?




  1. no one expects something like that to happen overnight, and it is hard to imagine a scenario in which that would happen. we have bread livestock to unsustainable and unnatural numbers. if the world becomes gradually becomes more vegetarian, all we have to do is breed less of them. similarly, while an immediate 6 billion person change would turn the economy in circles, a gradual change would be perfectly reasonable, and would help to avert future crisis by using far less land and water than are used to support livestock. If you dont want to be a vegetarian, i suggest you dont become one, but dont pretend like you are doing it for animals or the economy.

  2. farmers would stop breeding them so there  would be no   need to put them anywhere. and whats the idea calling peta people fanatics? they are sensible people with caring ideals.

  3. There wouldn't be so many animals.  Farmers would stop breeding them, genius.

  4. lettuce would take over and we all would be eatin by the killer tomatos!

  5. I'm not a PETA fanatic but it's really quite a simple procedure to reduce the animal population.  You would have the people transitioning to a vegan diet to slowly cut out products from their diet and you would not impregnate the animals anymore.  That way they will be slowly slaughtered and eaten and no new farm animals would be introduced into the world. Simple as that, smart guy.

    I think the world economy could use a little shake up!! Wouldn't that be fun.

  6. I don't agree with the term "PETA fanatics," but rather "supporters" will do just fine.

    I'm sure it is a plethora of vegans' dreams for the rest of the world to become vegan, but due to Man not wanting to cooperate and many who feel they are superior to one another (when in all honesty, most are on the exact same level), it will probably never happen. I'm routing for it to happen, but there are people who have their mind set, some too stubborn to change what they've always known, etc.

    The animals would live normal lives. They wouldn't be induced with so many hormones and chemicals to produce more than what should naturally be produced.

    The world economy already sucks.

  7. I doubt that anyone expects that to happen. You must be very confused if you think that this hypothetical has any relevance.

  8. I AM a PETA fanatic as well as many others.

    Animals are simply bred for man to eat. As the guy above said if this stopped then the animals we already have would die out naturally. The average life of a cow would be about 15 years.

  9. Well, I'm a vegan, and I don't support PETA, so I'm not sure lumping all vegans into a PETA fanatic  in this way is accurate.

    PETA often resort to tactics they feel will bring publicity: the sad thing is these tactics often alienate the public and the very people that might otherwise be open to listening to them along the way.

    I care about animals, and I care about people. It's not a case of one or the other.

    Oh, and as for putting all the animals someplace, as people go vegan, the majority of wild animals would stay where they are. As people steadily go vegan, its the amount of animals bred for food that would go down: its these animals that would then not be present. The animals bred for food right now take up a lot more space, and use a lot more natural resources, than all the wild animals of the world put together.

  10. Well for one thing, all the PETA employees, admins and executives would have to start finding real jobs. Pamela Anderson and Jenna Jameson would be back to being B celebrities again, more infamous than famous becasue fo their ...errr videos. KFC will still be making money serving junk food. Vegan yes but still junk food. Maybe change their name to Kentucky Fried Cabbage to retain the KFC initials

    As for the domesicated farm animals, most likely they have to be killed to make room for the crops that need to be planted asap. They would be worthless anyway.

    The sudden demand for veggies from 6 billion people is not something the current world wide crop farm industry is prepared to handle  It takes weeks and months for plants to be harvestable so a food crisis will occur albeit for a short time only. Disposal of all those unused animal carcasses will be a problem. But maybe PETA has an answer.

    Wild life will feel even more human pressure as their habitats will be enroached by human farms more than ever.

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