
What would an analemma look like from other planets and the moon?

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Say from Mercury, Venus (If the sky was clear), Mars and the moon.

What would the cycle of the Earth viewed look like (It does not stay in exactly the same position in the moon's sky).

How about the moon during it's 18 year cycle from the Earth.

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  1. You can explore the shapes of analemmas if you have astronomy software that lets you see the view from the surfaces of other planets.  "Starry Night" ( ) is a good example.

    I have not tried Mercury and Venus; but on Mars, the analemma is a "teardrop" shape (just one lobe) rather than a "figure 8" as it is on earth.  The analemma as seen from the moon is a small oval about 3 degrees wide and 4½ degrees long.

    I made an animation of the motion of the earth as seen from the moon (although this is not related to the analemma).  You can see it here: ( )

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