
What would an ideal parent be like in your opinion? Give examples to illustrate your ideas?

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What would an ideal parent be like in your opinion? Give examples to illustrate your ideas?




  1. Love!

    I have parents that weren't the best....Especially my mom....

    They're Atheist's....In horrible debt....Can never do anything right for them (My mom) My dad's an alcoholic....My mom's not all there (Mentally)

    I would have to say, parents that had a sense of humor! Were into church, and had friends....Would want me to be who I am....And not what they want....

    And a mother that at a math tutoring session, when I couldn't understand it made me leave, and (It was in a bookstore) I wanted to get a book, and said "Books aren't for stupid people"....

    I would want a mom that was proud of her son....But leave him alone, because he has his own life....

    (Which I'm not s******g up, and it's not because of her)

    But I live with different people now, but still have to deal with my parents....Thankfully half way across the county....


    All my best!


  2. Dependable










    Able to admit to mistakes

  3. I would like a parent who could be my friend- who i would feel free to confide in without hesitation whenever i'm unsure of things.

    Who would understand me

    support my decisions

    Love me!!!

    Be a happy family!


  4. For me Ideal Parents are the ones who believe and follow this:-

    "Your children are not your children.

    They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

    They come through you but not from you,

    and though they are with you, and yet they belong not to you.

    You may give them your love, but not your thoughts.

    For they have their own thoughts.

    You may house their bodies but not their souls,

    for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

    You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

    For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday."

    Which means Give your Children their due importance. Let them be a free bird and let them become whatever they want to. Dont try to cage their ideas as they are not your part but they are God's creation to sustain the world.

  5. We are best friends to our boys and give them everything they ask for and earn. But we are also very strict and discipline is swift. We do not tolerate rebellion and yet teach them every possible aspect of life from the good to the bad. We teach them that "happily ever after" endings are impossible because for that to be a fact their lives would have to be without flaw.

    I know for a fact that they trust us more than anyone alive. They need us as much as weed need them. Our children are important to us and there isn't a thing we won't do for them but it won't be handed over simply because they "have" to have it. It must be earned through work.

    We do not baby them but show them that they are unique and favor them both.

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