
What would atheists do in heaven?

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Can I for example call God for a chess match when I get bored?




  1. Try a chess match with Satan.

  2. I would introduce Taco Bell and the guitar to Heaven.

    Or maybe at least some percussion to go with all that harp playing.

  3. if you don't believe in god it's very unlikely you would even get into heaven.

  4. The chess is doubtful, but there will be plenty of halo's to polish.

  5. Can you feel the love tonight?

    Don't you LOVE the Christian spirit.

    I think that is my favourite thing about Christians. I love to hear how excited and overjoyed they get at the thought of others suffering for eternity. Maybe it's all the sexual repression they keep pent up.


    It's just their thinly veiled, disgusting, hideous, vindictive nature?

    Who can tell? LOL

    Peace to all, even the hateful Christians.

    Edit: Oh yeah, the question.

    If there were a heaven and you were for there for eternity (as the myth supposes), you could do absolutely everything, you have eternity to play with so you can do everything you can think of, as many times as you like.

    Personally, I think even after you've mastered every skill, learned every piece of knowledge, played every game. Done absolutely everything a billion times. It might drive you a little bit insane.

    But I'd be up for giving it a shot. If only it weren't make believe.

  6. Set up courts and a justice system and drag Yahweh to trial to answer for it's crimes and war-crimes.

    Assuming it's own testimony (the Wholly Babble) holds up in open court we will then execute it (on the charges of mass-genocide and mass-child rape that it has already boasted about) and ensure no further individuals suffer the attention of the vile evil demon.

  7. Organise the non repenters.

  8. atheists turn into marijuana plants

  9. Atheists don't go to heaven.  

  10. No atheists wouldn't be in heaven. They don't believe it exists.

  11. i would think sell sunglasses for monatary gain. even though money is worthless, but hey its bright up their

  12. Well if they where in heaven they would have to run around with their fingers in their ears and hands over their eyes going lalalalala!

    But the saying goes 'there are no atheists aboard a sinking ship'

  13. Hunny atheists wont be in heaven.

  14. Atheists are already in heaven because they have the mental capacity to achieve happiness without having to resort to believing in fairy tales.

  15. What makes you think atheists will go to heaven?  Sorry about that.  I can tell you how to get there if you wish--nothing would make me happier.  My prayer for you is that you will listen to the truth before it is too late.

  16. Mathew 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.  

    Saying you are an atheist means you don't believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, which means you deny God our Father in heaven, therefore there will be no atheist in heaven. If you want answers about heaven read a bible know the truth, I pray you seek before you allow anyone to tell you there is no God.


  17. There are plenty of stuff you can do.

    Yo ucan walk around and talk to people while making plenty of friends.

    Test your wings out by fly.

    There will be huge feast that would be fit for a king but would not make you gain a single pound.

    Play and embrace the youthful qualities of life.  Or you can probably fly down to earth to save people and do miracles to help spread the word.

  18. atheists wont go to heaven

    and if you are an atheist.....why do you talk of God as if he exists...if you do not believe in him...

    so in your theory there wouldnt be a heaven...would there?

  19. Nothing because there is no heaven.  

  20. There is no God in the atheist's heaven.

  21. There is no such thing as an atheist in Heaven.  also, there is no such thing as an atheist in h**l.  When we die, we find out and realize the excuses we made in life didnt cut it.

  22. Heaven burns atheist to heat normal peoples homes in "heaven wintertime".

  23. first of all atheists aren't going to heaven so they don't need to worry about what they will be doing

  24. Hang out at the Beer Volcano, maybe?  I don't know about you, but I'm taking a tour of that Stripper Factory, heh.  

  25. Heaven sounds untra boring. h**l sounds like it is where the action is. I hear that chess is popular there. It is too bad that the christian god does not know how to play chess.

  26. that would be cool

    but he would probably just read your mind!!!!

    well if he can cause hurricanes to change course and 16 year olds to pass their drivers tests i think he can read minds.

    (lol i loved those 2 questions)

  27. totally

    but i prefer strip poker

  28. Keg stands will be in order. They will help with dealing with the christians.

  29. We can all just worship Richard Dawkins together

  30. Atheists don't have to worry about that ;)

  31. Since atheists don't believe in God they don't go to heaven. Is as simply as that.

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