
What would b the best way to move my convicts eggs as my cat fish r eating them?

by  |  earlier

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I have three convicts a male and two female. The male paired off with one of the females and spawned, two days later eggs were gone. Now he has spawned with the other,eggs r in a pot, can i move the whole pot, or should i remove the catfish? Cheers




  1. You risk damage to the eggs if you try to move them.  Remove the catfish for now.

  2. If you have another cycled tank to move them to, go ahead and just pick the pot out and move it to the "safe" tank.  Move the parents too, because they take care of the eggs and the fry once they hatch.

    Moving the eggs will not hurt them, eggs of all fish are tough.  Convicts are very interesting fish to watch as they take care of their fry too.  I currently have about a hundred babies waiting to grow a little and go to the fish store in exchange for some fish food.

    Once they hatch, you will need to feed them 3-4 times a day for the first couple weeks.  Be sure to get egglayer "first food" preparation from the fish store to feed them.

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