
What would be 3 arguments in philosophy?

by Guest57539  |  earlier

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I need to come up with three and I dont know where to start. I need three examples of philosophy arguments.




  1. Here are "elaborations." If these don't do it for you, nothing will.

    "...The Earth was not believed (even by Aristotle) to be THE center of the universe, it was thought to be AT the center of the universe, and the distinction is important. It was believed that there was a center of the universe (defined as the center of the large outer sphere in which the stars were embedded) and that matter was drawn to that center. This was why the Earth, being the most massive body (the other elements being water, air, and fire) ended up motionless at the center. Furthermore, the center was not considered, at that time, a desirable place to be. In most medieval interpretations of Aristotle's and Ptolemy's cosmology, earth's position at the center of the universe was taken as evidence not of its importance but its grossness. It was believed by ancient and medieval Arabic, Jewish, and Christian thought that the center was the worst part of the universe, the basement, the sump, where all the muck was collected, so being at the center was not worn as a badge of pride. In Divine Comedy, h**l itself is in the inner core of the Earth, which is close to the very center of the universe, consistent with it being considered a foul place. Medieval writers described the location of the Earth as "the excrementary and filthy parts of the lower world" and observed that we humans are "lodged here in the dirt and filth of the world, nailed and riveted to the worst and deadest part of the universe, in the lowest story of the house, and most remote from the heavenly arch." By contrast, heaven was 'up' and the further up you went in the sky, away from the center, the better it was. So what Copernicus was suggesting, by putting the Sun at the center and the Earth in orbit around it was really a promotion for the Earth and its inhabitants, taking them closer to the heavens. "

    "If there is a philosophical Atlas who carries the whole of Western civilization on his shoulders, it is Aristotle. He has been opposed, misinterpreted, misrepresented, and—like an axiom—used by his enemies in the very act of denying him. Whatever intellectual progress men have achieved rests on his achievements."

    "Ideal of Reason: (Ger. Ideal der Vernunft) Kant: The idea of an all-comprehending reality, God, containing the determination of all finite existence. "

    Good luck

  2. Thinking, resolving and ethics.

  3. I am the center of the universe.  I think therefore I am.  God is the center of the universe.  I fit in the grand scheme as God's creation.  

  4. There's so many different branches of philosophy...

    metaphysics, ethics, logic, philosophy of mind..ect

    what is the meaning of life?

    what is right? what is wrong?

    does anything exist other then my mind?

    what is love?

    what is a soul?

    There's TONS of questions and arguments with philosophy.

    Go to That'll help.

  5. 1 The argument from existence.  Ontology.  I think therefore I am.  Existentialism: existence comes before essence.  Why did the Dunkin Donuts close?  Dunkin Donuts and non-existence: Why does the greater part of objectivism need to be clarified by long and drawn out, tedious, and probably erroneous lectures.  The argument from existence is always easily proven to be true, and then, directly following, proven to be false.  Now you see it, now it doesn't...exist.

    2  The argument from knowledge.  Common sense and freedom of choice: Freedom from choice.  Does God know everything?

    Okay?  That's your start, wing it from here, sorry, babe gotta run do MY homework.  Other arguments of philosophy are listed below, not an exhaustive list.

  6. One of the main arguments in philosophy still is the debate of gods existence.

    Another good example would be the arguments of zeno's paradoxes.

    And the argument of moral relativism.

    Look these up and see how much they have been debated throughout history.

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