
What would be a fair amount to charge if someone engaged you to assist in their business.I am an engineer.?

by  |  earlier

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My expertise is in Marine engineering and the job is to secure contracts to build 15 metres high speed crafts.I am retired and only work part time on a job to job basis.I would like to charge on a daily rate basis.




  1. 25% plus expenses.

    Bid too high - No deal.

    Bid too low - you'll end up killing yourself with over work.

    However, make it worth your time - and theirs.  

  2. i i know contractors (chartered chemical engineers) that get £40-£50 per hour, so i would say probably £25-£30 per hour for you but honestly find someone that is already doing something similar to you and judge accordingly.  

  3. ten bob a day

  4. Check out with the local agencies and undercut them by 10% to make yourself competitive.  A lot depends on the efficiency and profitability of the company you are working for plus how much they need you.  Engineers can command very high fees, but only from firms that can afford them!!

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