
What would be a good Spanish dinner for losing weight?

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I weight 389 pounds and want to lose some weight.




  1. If you would like to lose weight, then don't eat fatning meat foods.  

    Eat Paella which is seafood with vegetables and rice.

    While you are at it, try Slim Fast with your meals.   I heard it works on many who want to lose weight and lost it.

  2. To start with, don't eat the way we did when we were in Spain last summer.  I put on ten pounds in a month!  (I'm ashamed of myself, but boy it was a tasty way to put it on!)

    I'm not sure about recommending Paella. It is mostly rice, which isn't going to help you at all.  Although, if you made a pseudo paella, JUST the vegetables and seafood, cooked up as if it were paella, THAT might fit the bill.

    Whoever said a pitcher of Margaritas and a chip is WAY out there...because you won't find Margaritas in SPAIN, and besides, you obviously (the poster who answered, that is) have NO IDEA how much SUGAR is in a Margarita.

    Spaniards don't eat all that many vegetables, which is what you want to beef up on to lose weight.  Though, pretty much anything cooked Spanish style could be cooked up in a little olive oil.  Legumes are a big part of their diet.  You could look up things like Cocido Madrileño (a soup with garbanzos), Habas (any recipe with Habas in it - they are Fava beans)  and I remember the tastiest lentil soup (actually, Progresso's ordinary version is pretty close to Spanish).  All those legumes are also good for lowering cholesterol, in case that is an issue, as well.

    They also eat a lot of fruit for dessert, which is a good alternative.

    Lots of fish in their diet.

    Go to websites like the Food network or just search "spanish cooking,"  and look for recipes like these.  You could easily take the kinds of foods they eat SOME of, (that you know to be healthy and good for weight loss) and eat way more of the good things than are typical in the Spanish diet.

    Good luck to you.  No one knows better than I do how hard it is to stick to it, and all the variety you can add will help.

    And, Sarah, she said SPANISH, not MEXICAN.  (not to mention this category is SPAIN).

    And I want to repeat, for all the people suggesting Paella, all that rice IS fattening!!!  Carbs, carbs, carbs!

  3. here are some links to yummy looking healthy meals...


  4. just cut down on those twinkies

  5. A nice steak dinner but you can't eat it or you will be 400 pounds.

  6. Make yourself a vegetable salad.

  7. People in Spain are very familiar with Lentils known as Lentejas.    They are very healthy as long as you don't eat them with Pork meat.

    Always ask for Lentejas without pork meat.  That will make a good Spanish dietary dinner for you.   Good luck in Spain enjoy a good diet dish while you are there as you look on the menu.

  8. Try some Spanish Rice with Vegetables and Fruits.

  9. Eat Kosher foods.

  10. I agree with Paella, it tastes very delicious and you don't have to worry about gainning so much weight.

    Paellla it is

  11. First I have to say that Spanish food (from Spain) has nothing in common with Mexican food, so forget about flour tortillas since they are made with eggs, onions and potatoes. Anyhow that would not be so good for your diet since is all deep fried.

    Here you have a nice blogs about Spanish cuisine in English:

    and many more links here:

    you can find some recipes and ideas of where to find more things...

    Anyhow the best diet is always a fresh vegetable salad or some non fat saute meat or fish.

    Good luck with your diet

  12. spanish dinner,,  a bucket of margaritas and 1 chip.

  13. Paella

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