
What would be a good alcohol to use in a punch mix for a party?

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I'm not looking for anything to strong, just strong enough to get a little buzz.




  1. stoli vodka is one of my favs....

    i made a real good punch with vodka, rum, and gin (all clear) and some hi-c and fresh fruit.

  2. Vodka is definitely the way to go...

  3. depends on the flavor of the punch ... Vodka has no flavor.... Sloe Gin is good too ...  or a fruit Brandy to match the flavor of the punch

  4. about root beer yummy!!

  5. rum or vodka, but i would personally prefer rum

  6. rums are always good.... but Everclear at 190 proof is generally the way to go for a Harry Buffalo party :)

  7. smirnoff raspberry vodka with some sprite and a container of lemon lime sorbet

  8. I think Brandy works well in all punches.  Here's a great recipe that we use all the time because it makes a lot and can be served in a punch bowl or from a pitcher.

    1/2 part brandy (I use Christian Brothers brand)

    1 part lemon-lime soda

    2 parts fruit juice (Cranberry-Peach blend is my favorite)

    1/2 bag frozen fruit (Blueberries and strawberries look great)

    1 fruited ice ring (see recipe below)

    Slices of lemons, limes and oranges, if desired

    Mix fruit juice and frozen fruit together in a decorative punch bowl.

    Pour in lemon-lime soda, gently stir and then float an ice ring on top (see recipe below). Rather than spike the punch, I serve the brandy on the side so my guests who prefer non-alcoholic punch can drink it too.

    To make ice ring

    Pour 1-2 cups of the juice mixture from above into a Bundt pan or another mold. Add some of the fruit and/or fresh citrus slices. Freeze overnight.

    Just before serving, set the pan into some hot water to loosen the ice ring and then turn it into the punch bowl. It makes a really beautiful presentation, cools the punch and since it's made with juice, it will not water down the punch. Perfect!

    Lately, I've been seeing drink fountains at parties. The Fruited Brandy Punch is a good choice for a fountain. Just leave out the fruit and the ice ring.

  9. Malibu coconut rum is nice and mild for just a buzz

  10. bacardi

  11. How about archers or any other peach schnapps. if not then vodka is all ways the best solution!

  12. mountain dew! oh yes! it is so wonderful! you can have it with sherbert! this will give you and your guests more than a little buzz!

  13. a flavored vodka....just a little ...if you ain't tryin' to get wasted!

  14. vodka vodka vodka

  15. My aunt always puts Cooks champagne in her drinks. You can also try mixing Arbor Mist sangria. Both are pretty good and light as far as the taste and buzz. Add some fruit slices and your good to go.

  16. Rum or vodka

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