
What would be a good city for me to live in for a month in argentina, an area that is safe.?

by  |  earlier

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I think I would stand out, so kinda nervous on where to go that is cool and safe to get a place for a month or two.




  1. Mendoza, Mendoza, Mendoza. It's not huge like BA and you can walk pretty much everywhere you wanna go, they have a WAL-MART set in a beautiful backdrop. Things aren't really fast-paced like some of the other places and there is plenty to do in the area. If you have time, take a ride through the Andes the Chile only cost about $15 US,  (it is one of the things you will remember till you die), you can chill out and drink all the wine you want (good wine) for dirt WILL fall in love with this place.Email me, I can send you some pics

  2. It all depends on whether you want to live in Buenos Aires, the capital city, where you have movie theatres, museums, night life, or a city in the mountains, next to a great lake, as

    Bariloche, or a seaside resort like Mar del Plata.

    You can check these out in the Internet.

    As for safety, try to avoid distant neighborhoods, walking alone y dark streets, the type of things you avoid everywhere around the world.

  3. You should definitely go to Buenos Aires, there are great places to go and the city is prepared to receive tourists from all over the world.

    If you are looking for accommodation and information on Buenos Aires, check this Website, it is very useful

  4. Both Rio Gallegos and Buenos Aires are actually pretty safe and great spots to vacation. Just know a little of their language in respect. Just know how to say "thank you" and "please" and stuff like that. It should keep you safe, and also don't go to the ghetto areas.

  5. There is no unsafe place in Argentina.  There are unsafe parts of some cities, but those are easy to avoid.  I would go as far as to say there are very few cities in all of South America I would avoid for a 2 month stay as being unsafe, as long as you take simple precautions there.

    cool - Mendoz, cordoba, Buenos Aires are all "big city cool".  La Plata and  Rosario are fairly big city cool.  salta is modern and has indigenous roots and is up in the mountains and clos to bolivia cool.  

    I like the small towns the best, you will meet the most and friendliest people, become famous in the little town and have the best experience.

  6. Depends waht you're looking for. If you're looking for a small town, then it will sure be safe, but if you're looking for the big city, I suggest you stay somewhere like capital. It may not be that safe, but its ok to live for a month. I live near capital, so if you need anything, contact me.

  7. Its very hard to stick out in Argentina, we are as diverse as america and brasil but if you are only visiting argentina i would go to buenos aires the capital, you can see many different sides of argentina. or if you are into wine go to my homecity Mendoza, we are famous for our wine

  8. Buenos Aires for sure. It is large enough for you to enjoy and blend!

    Recoleta, Down-town, Barrio Norte, Belgrano and Palermo, are safe neighbourhoods.


  9. First of all, why would you stand out? With all due respect, Argentina has black people, asians, rastas, fats, skinnies, g**s so I don't understand why would you stand out. Apart from that, half of the population in Argentina came from England so they all have british surnames and speak english!

    I am a single woman and I spent a month and a half living on my own in Buenos Aires  4 years ago (work exchange) and had no problem at all with security. But if you want to be in a quieter place, surrounded by nature I would definetly recommend Bariloche or Villa La Angostura in Patagonia. Another nice but more cosmopolite place is Mendoza (the land of the wines!)

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