
What would be a good essay topic about aids? i need to teach a class and have to give them a short essay?

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it has to be about aids but im not sure whats a good question to give them so they can do an essay. please help!?




  1. It really depends on the level of class you are teaching in. If in first level, the good question would be " DO HUMANS MORALITY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH AIDS PANDEMIC?" If the class is in 2nd level, good question would be " ARE WE KNOWLEDGEABLE/ EDUCATED ENOUGH ABOUT THE AIDS PANDEMIC?" If in 3rd level, good question would be "INNOCENCE, IGNORANCE, AWARENESS: DOES IT SHAPE-UP THE HIV VIRUS TO BECOME A DEADLY AIDS PANDEMIC?"

  2. The fear of AIDS

    like, how so many people are misinformed of how you get infected, and how some think it comes from having s*x with monkeys.

  3. AIDS and HIV combined, the diff and how people can live a full life with HIV thanks to proper medication and care. Focus on the positive aspects, not just the negative. I used to work with a person who was HIV positive and that person took nothing for granted and made me realize how special each day is.

  4. How can you prevent AIDS?

  5. Ways To Get Aids

    Things To Do; to not get Aids

    Who gets effected by Aids

    How many people die with an Aid Symptom

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