
What would be a good gift for a cowboy boyfriend?

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I have had a boyfriend for little over four months now. He spoils me by getting me little gifts from time to time. The last gift was a promise ring. My boyfriend is more of the cowboy type and is not into wearing any jewelry of any kind. What would be a good gift for him that would mean the same thing as a promise ring?

Or should i just get him a ring also and see if i can't make him wear it?

Cowboys, what would you like to get from you girlfriend if you weren't the jewelry type?

Opinions from both sides are greatly appreciated!!!




  1. tattoo, belt with his name , or buckle. Just about anything for his truck, ball cap, or hat.  

  2. a copy of Brokeback Mountain

  3. belt buckle or maybe a new hat

  4. A boy's a boy, maybe clothes or music? 8]

  5. A big shiny belt buckle..that is cowboy jewely,

  6. A nice belt buckle.

    You don't want to get him a ring. That's moving too fast. It's okay for a guy to give a girl a ring, but guys start to freak when they feel the girl putting a brand on them.

    Or maybe a nice hat.

  7. My husband is that type.  We've been married for 23 years and he has never worn a wedding band, and just recently started wearing a watch.

    Many years ago while dating, he was hard to shop for (not so much now that we are married and know each other better), some of the gifts I got for him were a nice leather billfold, a monogrammed key chain, a cuspidor -- he dips snuff and a cuspidor is like a spitoon -- a silver money clip, and the biggest gift were speakers for his truck.  The speakers were an engagement gift after he proposed.  

  8. a belt buckle, or a hat, or boots, or studs, or something thats really American and awesome like a red white and blue gun with an eagle etched into it.

    Cowboys have to be the easiest to buy stuff for...

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