
What would be a good idea?

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I take Tae-Kwon-Do. Well, I just came back into it, from an absence of 3 years or so, no exercise whatsoever. I am a green belt still, sadly. Now, I remember 3 years back, I used to be this super hyperactive freakazoid that would SERIOUSLY fall in love with the art. I would use all of my energy till I fall and die from exhaustion. Now that Im back, that energy sort of increased, a lot.. But the main thing is, I don't know what I should do. Usually I can't control my energy, that I would start using it to its full extent, and that, in result, would tire me out, and I start getting dizzy and all nauxious. What would be a good idea for increasing my endurance? Wasting all my energy every time I go to the school, or take things at ease?




  1. even the most achieving/achieved warriors have to rest. you should take things easy, find a time to rest that doesn't slow down your training.

  2. Well, the first thing I would be inclined to say is that this is something that your instructor should be able to help you out with and he is in the postion to see what you are doing wrong to cause the problem to begin with.

    There are several things in my experience that could be causing you this problem. First it could just be the time off and now the excitement of being back, just getting the best of you a bit. Second it could be a matter of your breathing, if you do not breath properly while you are moving or as you are striking you will most definitely tire yourself out very quickly. I have seen a lot of folks over the years that just get adrenaline dumps and are over the top hyper active for 10 minutes and then burn out and have noghing left. If this is the case, just learning to control your self and stay centered will help out a good bit and so will experience.

    Good luck!!

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