
What would be a good name for a 30-foot sail boat?

by Guest56346  |  earlier

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Excellent Mark G, but therefore already taken. I like it lots though.




  1. Engorged member

  2. Morning Wood.

  3. I Can See Heaven

    from the song by Nickleback, that starts,

    I am so high I can see heaven..........

    You could even go with Sea Heaven.

  4. yahoo

  5. waste of money

    were do i sail this thing

    i got too much cash

    rich @rse on board.

    sorry i'm just stateing the obvious. lol

  6. Best I've ever seen is "Floatin' a loan"

    Not really applicable here though. Seems you would want something a bit more distinguished.

  7. Five fathoms.

  8. Most "good" names will already be taken, but you can customise them by adding "....of wherever" to the end. For example, Lucky Jim of Puddlesville.

    One of my favourite yacht names (though it's not what I called mine) is "Festina Lente". Yes, it's Latin, and it means "hasten slowly" that's just what you will do in a sailing-boat!

  9. how about neptune's nautical nomad

  10. marie celeste....

  11. trianda which is greek for 30

  12. I think double barrell names are pretty suited to boats

    Marie Celeste, Queen Elizebeth 1 & 2, Queen Mary etc...

    A suggestion is where the boat is moored, maybe double with your name if appropriate? A pet? Or anything you like.

    Brighton Smith

    Plymouth Tiger

    Thames Clarendon

    Dover Seal

    Bristol Whisp

    Portsmouth Shell

    Grimsby Moth

    Anything you like. It all goes together well.  Good luck and enjoy the life on the waves.

  13. Aurelius's Thirty Footer

  14. Walk On Water if you are in America, but if your in Australia its already taken.

  15. its unlucky to change a boats name, but if you must make sure you use at least two letter of the original name and bless boat  aswell

  16. " This Is A 30 Footer, Jellus or Whot

  17. The Gladiator

  18. Dave

  19. Das Boot

  20. Mayday.

  21. Here's a list of what I think are good names:

    1. Mariner

    2. Water Master

    3. Friend of Water

    4. Sea Life

    5. Sailer

    6. Luck Boat

    And that's it from me.

  22. titanic

  23. SARACEN ?

  24. Pier Pressure - that's what I named mine!

  25. A boat any boat should be named after a love, it's the name you call when the poo hits the fan, (sorry sail).  :0)

  26. jesus

  27. Trent

    (trente = its thirty in french)

    or name it after your lover/family member/favourite greek/roman hero

    boats usually have female names though

  28. 30 foot long sail boat that floats on water

  29. Mermaids Welcome

  30. England

  31. Hows bout  Slipper one, or Why Knot, Trade Winds, Windy Moments, Doldrums, Gale Force, Canvassing,Land Ahoy,Passage of Time, Down Below, Ventura, Hurricane

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