
What would be a good pet for me? (please read all)?

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I want a pet to take care of that doesn't require too much care, and has a LIFE SPAN OF MAX 10 YEARS.

I CANNOT have the following animals:

-dog (already have one),

-cat (allergies),

-ferret (requires too much care & watch-I've heard they're very mischevious and get into things)

-rabbits (my dog would prob. give one a heart attack haha)

-fish or frogs (just dont like them.)

-bird (I would hate to have to keep it caged up all the time, but it poops all over the place. If there's a type of bird that poops dry pellets or only poops in its cage I'm open to it.)

That being sad, Im open to any other type of pet. It can't be too difficult to take care of, but it doesnt have to be extremely easy either. I prefer something affectionate that I could cuddle with and play with a little, like a rodent of some sort. But I also would enjoy a reptile or amphibian too. Basically as long as the animal tolerates being touched. Okay..any suggestions?




  1. Get a rat or two. They are smart, affectionate and should meet all your other requirements. Mine used to ride in the pouch or the hood of my hoodie shirt.

    Good luck.

  2. I don't understand...

    If you don't want to have to pay a lot of attention and give a lot of care to a pet, what's the point?

    So you can just sit and watch it all day?

    How about you just... don't get a pet at all. That'd probably be the best solution.

  3. a turtle? or maybe it's called a tortoise....i always get mixed up...

    how bout a hamster?

  4. One of the most unusual pets we've ever had in the house has been hedgehogs! They will tolerate being held and will walk around the house investigating everything. My cat used to sit there and watch the hedgehog walk around and knew to leave it alone! The do stink if you don't keep up with cleaning the cage though.

  5. Hamster. They are relatively easy to take care of.

    Just keep it away from your dog! :)

  6. a parrot is great. first of all you can teach it to do only in the cage and you can also have them very tame and they are so great. they require alot of time and you could do that. they love people and love to learn and nearly like a person i would think you would enjoy it.   they are lovely animals and you can get one that has 20 to 25 years but you hae to ask and get one out of the egg just born or help it an that is best kind to get they are worth it and will keep you busy but not too bad  you can have them 4 or 5 hours a day and that is happy for them.

  7. I would highly suggest a guinea pig, they love attention, the only need their cages cleaned 1 or 2 times a week or every other week depending on the piggy, they make purring noises like a cat and squeak when they are happy, they only need a sm. cage a plastic water bottle, guinea pig food, and some treats. they p**p only little pellets, and are as cute as can be. there is a huge variety from american short haired to abyssian, with calics everywhere. long haired and pureven g****a piggys. they make awesome pets and have a LIFE SPAN of 8 to 10 years. now look at those faces how can you not want one.

  8. guinea pigs are great animals they dont require too too much care and they are very sociable and they have a life span of 5-8 years if taken good care of

  9. are you into reptiles?  reptiles are very chilled animals.  i love bearded dragons, they get about a foot (not with the tail)  they love to crawl around and sleep pretty much.  and you need to clean its cage every now and then, and feed it, and of course take it out and play with it and stuff.  they eat meal worms and crickets, they don' t have to be alive.  you can buy a container of meal Worms and just give it a few a day and that's about it. (they live about 7-10 years)

    hamsters are great pets, i have had so many, they live about 2-4 years depending on their health.  they are so cute and you can do just about anything with them.  you can cuddle with them.  i loved putting mine in those rodent balls and they would run around the house for hours.  you need to clean their cage about once every two weeks, and it doesn't take much, you just empty out the bedding, clean the cage with water, and stuff and then put in new bedding.  they eat hamster food (duh) you can buy it in containers, it is like dried corn, sunflower seeds, and stuff like that, you can also give them lettuce, carrots, broccoli, just about any veggie.

  10. When it comes to small rodents, I have a hamster.


    PROS :

    - cute

    - come in many different breeds

    - some have very nice personalitys

    - SOME like to sleep in your hand and cuddle

    - they're not an extreme amount of work

    - they're one of the least expensive pets

    CONS :

    - they can become very smelly if their cage is not cleaned

    - they can bite if you mistreat them

    - hamsters are prone to tumours and wet tail

    - their life span is around 2 - 4 years but some live for 5 & 6.

    - they're very messy little creatures  ( they spill their food everywhere, and sometimes kick up shavings )

    - not a good pet for you if you are a light sleeper, as their wheel is a racket at night.

    - nocturnal so you may not see them all that much...

    I HIGHLY suggest you get a rat.

    PROS :

    - they're VERY affectionate

    - they can be taken out on a leash in the backyard or even just around the front yard.

    - they have good depth perseption ( which hamsters DO NOT ) and can balance on your shoulder, so you can walk around the house with them.

    - they're very intelligant

    - most live for long periods of time

    - they'll curl up on your lap or watch tv with you

    - cute

    Things that could be seen as a pro or a con :

    - they require an hour of your time each day, at the very least.

    - rats don't do that well ( even though some do ) on their own and are happier in pairs of the same gender.

    good luck

  11. Listen, a GUINEA PIG!!! I have one and their life span is 5-12 years, depending how well it's taken care of. They are the sweetest animals and they love to cuddle and just sit with you on the couch. I'm 14, don't know how old you are, but they are the best pets! They are not difficult to take care of. They eat a lot a day. You should give them a lot of vegetables and fruit a day. And fresh water. You only have to clean the cage once a week. Amazing sweet pets. You won't regret it!

  12. Hamsters are excellent pets that are in the middle of high maintenance and low maintenance. They do require some work, so don't take any easy way out.

  13. you should get a turtle - they live a pretty long time and they dont require too much maitenence.  They are really good pets!

  14. You definately want to get a chinchilla! they are adorable, not hard to care for, and you can cuddle with it!or maybe a turtle, not a water one though, too hard to take care of, trust me, i had experience. one that lives on ground.

  15. hamster pet rock lol keep ur dog good enough

  16. my one friend has a pet skunk that is descented and all you have to do is feed and  water it and of course descent and declaw it it actually is easier than it sounds . .

                                                                              U :D   C : $$


  17. Guinea Pig definatly! They are cuddly, make cute little squeaky noises and are just too cute. They dont live over 10 years. Cleaning just requires new shavings and newspaper. As long as you get them used to being held from the start they are quite friendly. you can even get a harness and walk them around the yard. So much fun. I miss my babies. :(

  18. i would say a rat!!!

    here is just about everything you need to know about it!!

    price of the rat: $10-15

    choosing you rats s*x:

    males: they are more calm and layed back but smell worse and make more of mess then females. males also have their man parts hanging down. [[think of this incase it gross's you out]]

    females: more hyper then males [[but some are very calm]] and much cleaner and not as smelly. they do act very motherly though.

    choosing breed/color of rat:

    breed: it all depends on the rats personality. you MUST hold it and interact with it BEFORE you buy it. buy the one that you think you will enjoy most. this means playing with at least a few of them before deciding which one you want.

    color: DONT choose one buy its color choose it buy its personality!! it wil be very difficult to take care of a rat that doesnt connect with you well. the color doesnt interfier with its personality...niether does the breed.

    each rat has its own personality. choose the best one for you.


    always try and get 2 rats at the same time of the same s*x. [[2 males, 2 females]]

    rats need company and a cleaning buddy.

    dont get a male and female or you WILL have baby rats and they have between 8-14 and are very difficult to take care of.

    [[if you happen to get a pregnant rat message me and ill help you out!]]

    getting them at the same time means less territorial issues. [[males usually have this problem but so can females.]]


    get a VERY large cage.

    get the biggest cage you can afford.

    the more room the better.

    rats also love to climb so try and get 1 with multiple levels.

    you can make a cage but i wouldnt recomend it for your first

    [[the bigger the cage the less time you need to take them out to play but YOU DO NEED TO PLAY WITH THEM!!!!!]]


    price: depends on you. like i said, the bigger the better. but bigger also means more money. you can build a cage easily[[message me if you need help with it]] but they usually cost $60-200[[bought from store]]


    do not, i repeat, DO NOT get bedding made from wood chips or aspen.

    this will cause lung issues for the rest of there life.

    get Carefresh if you can.

    it look like sogged paper thats dreid.

    [[they have diff colors]]

    price: about $10. but you have to buy it every 2 weeks or so. [[the bigger the cage, the bigger the bag, the more $$]]


    get lots and lots of toys.

    they get bored easy and need to be entertained.

    they also need lots of things to chew on to help shave down thier teeth and keep them straight.

    THEY WILL NOT BITE YOU. they may nibble or l**k but it is a sign of affection. [[there grooming you]]

    like i said they love to climb so keep that in mind.

    rats are also very intellegant so get complicated things.

    also a rock or brick to put under there water spout helps keep their nails filed down. they will scratch you if they arent because they dont have retractable claws like cats. they are always out like dogs.

    price: depends on you. get creative and make some of them. [[need ideas?? message me!]]


    any bag of food for them works [[sold at the pet store]]

    NEVER give ur rat meat.

    and dont give them artifcial things [[candy soda pizza ect...]]

    do give them treats like fruits and veggies.

    they also sell some treats at the pet store but fresh stuff is better for them.

    dont give them anything with sugar or salt or anything you think could be bad for them.

    if you have to question it..its probably not good.

    price:aboute $5 but you have to buy it every 2 weeks or so.


    u must give them clean water EVERY day.

    they must always have food.

    and there cage needs to be cleaned once to twice a week.

    [[depending on how much they p**p]] lol

    also wipe down the surface of the cage with a ret rag so make sure you get the pee off.

    rats CAN get a bath but the MOST once a month and NO more then that.

    if they do smell usually there cage needs to be cleaned.

    rats are VERY clean and clean themselves and eachother.


    the more you play with them the better they will be with u.

    the first few days are crucial!! they need the most time cuz they are in a new invroment.

    try and play with them at least 4 hours a day but the least 1 hour.

    the more you play with the more comfortable they are with you.


    rats are very smart and quick learners.

    they can learn there names and come when you call...

    sit on your shoulder...

    jump through hoops..

    be potty trained..[[with the right equipment]]

    and much more.

    but they must ALWAYS be rewarded with a treat when you are first training them. after a while do the same thing but take away the treat and only add it in every so often.

    [[you can research more on this or message me!!]]

    personal experiance: my dog got a hold of one of my rats and it ended up with a broken leg, the cost was about $500 and we didnt have the extra money so we had to put her down ="(( so PLEASE be very careful when introducing them [[if you get one]] hold the rat and have some one hold your dog by the collar...this should do fine.

    [[MOST pet stores will let you return the pet b4 14 days after buying it..incase you decide you dont want one.]]

    i think this should help.

    if you have ANY questions i would be very glad to help.

    just leave me a message!!


    [[ps. HAMSTERS DO BITE!!! i would never get one..[[my sis had one, it was evil!]] ]]
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