
What would be a good pet?

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I have a jealous Siberian husky and I want a pet of my own to take care of (not a family pet like the dog) But something that is, well, mine. I'm thinking maybe a ferret or a rabbit or something to keep in my room where the dog never goes, or maybe a lizard of some sort. I don't know. Is there anything else that would make a good pet?




  1. Ferrets are very playful and make great pets. Rabbits could use a bit of delicacy and need a lot of attention.

  2. Ferrets can be a real pain...stealing things and chewing things, because it is in their nature. Here are some choices of animals that are easy to care for and quiet. I have listed a few of their good qualities, as well as the bad. Remember this, though...ANY animal can be trained as a friendly, obedient pet. Some may take more time than others, and you ALWAYS want to buy a baby animal if you want it to be attached to you.

    Rats and Mice: They are gentle and very inelegant. They can be trained to do lots of things, and can be very affectionate. Since they are rodents, they are awake day and night, and need a wheel for exercise that may keep you up at night.

    Birds: My favorite. They can be affectionate and become very attached, and some can be VERY intelegent. Some can be trained to talk to you and whistle cirtain songs. It is best to hatch and raise them yourself with a brooder, but baby birds are hard to come by, and eggs even more so.

    Lizards, snakes, frogs and turtles: Anphibions and reptiles are very cool, look pre-historic, and are (in my point of view) The most interesting creatures in our world. However, I think that they do not make very good pets. Most are carnivores, meaning you will have to feed them a mouse every day. Also, they are not technacaly a domesticated species, meaning most (not all) will not really become attached to you. Plus, they are the HARDEST creatures to care for.

    Rabbits: Rabbits are really fun. They are a lot like cats, except vegetarians. I love rabbits because of their energy and the friendship you can build with them. Baby rabbits are realy easy to come by, especialy in spring, if you know where to look. If you are serious about getting a rabbit, look at your local farm shop's buleten board. If you become good friend with your rabbit, you can join 4-H! The problems with them, though, is that you cant give them hardly any fresh veggies or fruit as babies...only pellets. when they are grown up, only a small bit as a treat. They also have alot of energy and love to chew things, so make sure there isn't anything on your floor and you let her run at LEAST twice a day.

  3. Well... I used to rehabilitate/adopt unwanted and abused ferrets and let me tell you.. unless you have alot of time, a ferret would not be the best pet for you.  They love company so if you can only get one, you'll have to spend alot of time with it.  They do have a "funky odor" which takes quite a while to get used to and your parents might not be too fond of it.  They scratch at their cage constantly and will probably keep you up in the night.  

    If you are interested in getting a lizard of somesort I would recommend an Anole.  I used to have five and they were the coolest little guys ever!  They can swim.. in a sink, tub or pool[without chlorine] and they dont make any noise!!  You can get them in PetSmart and other petstores like it.  They're inexpensive and you don't need a license to have one. AAAAND!! They're really easy to take care of.  Especially if youre not going to be home all day.  They don't need alot of time out of their cages and they dont have teeth lol.  I used to take mine out when I got home from school and they would sit on my shoulders while I did my homework.  But be aware.. They can jump if they want to lol. And they're pretty fast runners. They need:

    a tank[atleast a ten gallon with a mesh lid for ventilation]

    bark chips for bedding

    --they also make specific tanks for small lizards[but a 10 gallon fish tank will probably be the cheapest and easiest]

    a basking rock or a heat pad under the tank

    artificial sticks etc to climb on

    artificial leaves, foliage

    crickets[they also sell Cricket houses at Petsmart[something to keep your crickets in with food so you don't have to put all of them in your lizard tank at once]]

    cricket food- the best kind to get is the jelly cubes. They are a source of food and water for the crickets.

    a water rock[just make sure its not too big or deep because the crickets will drown] or....

    a spray bottle full of water**recommended**[and only water] to spray the tank with

    --they drink water off of the sides of the tank as well as out of a dish

    make sure[if you end up getting one] while youre at the petstore you ask them everything you can think of about Anoles or any other reptile you decide to get.  Normally they won't tell you very much unless you ask so get as much information as you can.

    thats a link to the petsmart reptile site.

    They sell all of the above things at PetSmart.

    Good Luck choosing a pet!!!

  4. a rabbits great as long as you handle it everyday and give it plenty of things to do its fine and easy to take care of once you get into a routine of doing it

  5. geez. i don't like your sister that much.

    i have a rabbit but she is too skiddish. so are guinea pigs, rats pee all the time, mice can escape, hamsters always p**p, gerbils are able to escape too, ferrets are smelly, hedgehogs are rare, chinchillas are shy, cats are lazy, birds are noisy, sugar gliders are rare, fish are boring, spiders are scary, scorpions can hurt, hermit crabs barely do anything, lizards need expensive things, snakes can escape.

    so i guess all thats left is a dog. besides it can be YOUR dog only :D you can name it, feed it, groom it etc. a dog doesn't have to be the family pet!ask your parents for your own dog. and if your sister touches it then hit her (your sister i mean. hit your sister!)

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