tomorrow at 2pm est I have a meeting with my chinese professor, who is from china visiting my campus till mid june. I am going to be studying at her university in china next spring 2009. she has been a very important influence on my decision to study abroad and learn chinese. she has been working very closely with my enterance into university. soo.......
I want to get her and her family (husband and son) some simple gifts that she can take back to china easily. i was wanting to find something that was kind of unique here in the is what i have so far (please tell me what you would give or what you think about what i am thinking).
Professor: US coins from a bank, or US postage stamps (sort of like a picture with like 10different stamps on it)
Her husband: mabye a hat or shirt with something american on from indiana so mabye an indiana or indianapolis logo
Son (who is 2-3yrs old): i was thinking about a small very easy picture book, in english
any better ideas????