
What would be a good rifle for me to work on long range accuracy?

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I have experience hunting and have places to shoot as far as I want...1500 meters if I wanted. I'm planning on applying for the FBI after college and would like to make the HRT (Hostage Rescue's their version of SWAT team). So I really don't have any experience with distances over 200 meters or so. So I haven't been able to practice with wind and drops due to distance like I'd like to. Anyway, what's a good rifle? I need one with very long range. Also, if it's something at least in the direction of a sniper rifle that'd be used to FBI or SWAT, that'd be prefered. By the way, I've practiced with a 30-06 and 30/30 mainly so far.




  1. Well, It depends on the range. If you wanted distances over a mile or 1600 Meters, you should try a .50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun Round) State Arms manufactures a single shot bolt action rifle that is Superior in quality and inferior in price to most competitors. However, it will still cost you a pretty penny. If you want to try 300 Meters plus. You should first work on accuracy with iron sights. Understanding how to sight in a rifle like an Ar-15 (5.56 NATO or .223 Caliber) will better help you understand the art of shooting and help you to understand how sighting in a scope is actually diffrent for every person. Stick with the basics until you move up in distance. At that distance all the major factors are at a play (breathing, trigger squeeze, sight picture, sight alignment, wind age.) And will help you be a much better shooter if you can shoot accuartly with iron sights at that distance. Any soldier in the Army is expected to shoot at least a head shoot from 300 meters without a sighting device or scope. It just takes practice. Those major factors I listed are very important. You really don't know how to shoot until you know how to shoot by the book. Trust me, it makes a difference. After you master 300 Meters, you should try 500-800 meters with a bolt action rifle. Preferably .300 or .270. Bolt action is important for two reasons, most all snipers use them, and you have to make the shot count, just like in a real life situation. Get a 30X scope and practice until you can hit a balloon in the wind on any given day.

    But know, most shots snipers in the FBI take are under 100 meters.

  2. Being raised on a farm.. I really like my long barrel 243..

      I can bean a digger squirrel in the head at 100+ yards..

      Weaver 10by scope helps to...

  3. --- I am placing the FBI HRT internet site url/link in the source box, see [a], and there you will see all the requirements for qualifying for the HRT. If I were you I would skip the shooting practice and concentrate on the educational and experience requirements. As you will read below you must have previous SWAT team experience or certain types of military experience to qualify. If you really want to learn to shoot and get that military experience I would suggest the Marine Corps or Army Sniper Schools.

    --- Also see [b] for the FBI Careers page for other information

      (from the HRT career page) (see [a] & [b] in the source box)

       To qualify for the HRT you :

    --- Must have at least 3 years of tactical experience in either law enforcement or the military:

    --- Law Enforcement Experience:

    With a Federal Agency tactical team (This category includes all Military Police.).

    --- Or with a Local/County/State Agency or Department tactical team.

    --- Full-time tactical team experience will carry more weight than part-time experience.

    --- Completion of continuing education courses in at least three of the following: Basic SWAT • Advanced SWAT • Hostage Rescue • High Risk Arrest • Barricaded Subject • Basic Sniper/Observer • Advanced Sniper/Observer • Tactical Firearms • Mechanical Breaching

    --- Military Experience – Army

    Combat Arms experience. Service in Special Forces Group or Ranger Regiment will carry more weight.

    --- Military Experience – Navy

    Must have served in the Naval Special Warfare Community as a SEAL or Naval Special Warfare Officer.

    --- Military Experience – Marine Corps

    Combat Arms experience.

    --- Military Experience – Air Force

    Must have served in Combat Controller, Combat Rescue (Pararescue), or Tactical Air Control Party fields.

    --- As you can see they want experienced people who have been taught PROPER techniques and they favor military experience. I can tell you that at least 90% of their HRT personnel have military experience.

    ---However a Remington model 700  /  7.62 mm is the old standard of snipers if you want to learn basic long range shooting.

  4. The 700 is one of the best I know.

  5. Remington 700 in 25-06 caliber with leupold 19x double reticle range finding scope. At 600 yards I could put a round straight through someones eye pupil.

  6. If you are selected to the HRT, they will train you.

    Practicing too much may be counterproductive, if you develop any habits they do not teach, it may be more difficult to break those habits.

  7. I will have to agree with trooper that they will train you. It really doesn't matter what weapon one uses, I doubt that you would ever encounter a situation in civillian law enforcement when a 1500 meter shot would be called for. A simple .22 rifle in the hands of a capable marksman will be as deadly as the most expensive sniper rifles in the hands of someone who isn't as capable. You are best to forget about wind and drops and if you are wanting to practice work on grouping your shots.

  8. try 308 rifle, wont cost you as much as a 50 cal

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