
What would be a good shirt for our Greek basketball event?

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I am in a fraternity and at the beginning of each school year, we hold an event called "Delt Dunk". This is a double-elimination basketball tourney and we make shirts for it. I want a witty double entendre to put on the shirt. To give you an idea, two years ago, the shirt read, "If You Are Good, We'll Double Team You". Another one that we are playing around with is "The More Shots You Take, The Better Your Chances Are To Score".

Think along those lines, let me see what you've got.




  1. We Dribble. They Drool.

  2. -Can anyone say "free shots"?

    -They don't call us "double-dribblers" for nothing.

    -Tip-offs aren't just for rabbis anymore!

    -Balls, Sweat, and Beers.  Enough said.


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