
What would be a good theme for a mtg deck on a budget?

by  |  earlier

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any deck is fine but im focusing on the colors white , black, or red in any combination ex: red, black white, red etc.




  1. I'm guessing alot of 1/1's with haste that you can summon quickly and attack the turn their summoned? (red creatures, i.e. Goblins) Cards that protect your creatures and heal you? (white sorceries and enchantments). Effects that cost your oppponent life and/or cards? (black cards)

    This is but a mere should give you at least of an idea of where to look

  2. the goblins are cheap. but i bought my set with the elves vs goblins duel deck it was twenty and it was the best twenty ive ever spent on magic cards.

  3. Goblins are pretty cheap.

    They can also make some pretty good combos if you throw some giants in there.

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