
What would be a great gift for my husband who loves to play golf?

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He already has golf clubs and all that but I have heard him say he would like to get himself a new putter and a new golf bag.I have no idea what are good brands and all that. Any ideas or brand ideas I could check out. It's for his birthday. Thank you!




  1. ummm,  I would get him a gift certificate to a place that he can go in, and pick the items out himself, but since money is no issue.....the real gift would be,,,the fact that you and him get to spend the day together.  take him to eat,,,,red lobster....?   maybe somewhere more private..low lights...nice food. Don't know where you about planning alittle get away...give him the certificate then...plan your eats,,low lighting, and

    do alittle dancing...maybe ....stop in somewhere and have some wine.

    I went to this place once, and they set it all up,,the room the balloons the cake,,,,flowers..champaine   glasses tub, fireplace picnic brought in...look under cabins......sounds good huh?

    The best part is,,,you thought of it......sounds like you love him he's worth it!!!

    One time I had a limo,,,come to my mans work, and had champaigne in it,,,,he drove around for alittle while reading his big b day card,(oh did i mention I hired a pink gorilla in a tutu,,,this is a long story,,but i got it all on was perfect. They then picked me up, and we rode for awhile, and then we went to his party I had planned....yup the gorilla went with and got the first dance with him....he was so surprised...his friends lined up outside the workplace, and he had to walk through them, and when he saw the gorilla,,he made the comment...some poor sucker is really getting a whammy, and then the gorrilla came and jumped in his arms?  lol": did i mention I celebrated his b'day as usual, this was after to catch him off guard.   so worth it!!!!!

    Good luck whatever ya do,,quiet and romantic, or fisty and playful,,just have fun!!!! Make sure you tell him what you told us He deserves it. :0)

  2. Do you want something really original? pick a photo of him (the one he loves most, for example, playing golf) and you can have it painted by hand  in any style you prefer. He would love it for sure!. I ordered one for the anniversary of my parents and the painting was amazing! take a look at this website:

  3. I think you could get him a membership to the nearest golf club so he can play whenever! Plus you get a discount I think.  

  4. Yeah lucky husband! Let me knw if he ever annoys you.

    Get him something completely different that will both surprise and please him.  Get him a golf GPS.

    Check out the source box for a great website that gives recommendations based on budget.  Every single GPS on that chart is good - it all depends on budget and how fancy you want to be.

    The first chart is for the ones with colour screens.

    Man he's gonna love you!!

  5. Ping makes very nice putters.  

  6. hi :)  i have to say that your husband is a lucky man for having a wife that cares.  anyways, let me say that brand does matter when it comes to equipment.  mostly because of the images that the PGA tour has portrayed.  do avoid top-flight or dunlop brands.  there is this stigma among the golf world that those brands are cheap and useless.  and its partly true.  so with that being said, look for titleist and no other.  they make great bags and putters. ESPECIALLY putters.  scotty cameron is supported by titleist.  scotty is the brand and the person that invented the putters but titleist bought the title and is sharing a part of that scotty cameron putter name.  so yes, do look for scotty cameron putters. it will cost approx 200 to 500 bucks. maybe even 1000 for sum rare ones.  but no need to go overboard.  the most popular ones are in the 200 dollars range.  as for bag, here is the tip.  go for titleist and a black one with white stripes.  its a CLASSIC that every descent golfers will appreciate.  

  7. Neesa, don't buy your husband a putter. Although you can get a top notch make, putters are a very personal thing. Some just feel right. This gives you confidence and the balls just magically start rolling in. You don't want to spend a fortune on a putter he just doesn't like.

    A top bag will be easy to sort out:

    1. Have a look at what type of clubs he uses. Most golfers stick to one manufacturer

    2. If unsure, ask one of his golf buddies.

    3. Find out whether he walks and carries, walks with a trolley or rides a cart.

    4.Buy the best bag by the appropriate manufacturer that you can afford. With golf bags it does tend to be a case of the more you spend the better you get.

  8. a carry bag is inexpensive . the best gift just may be a set of lesson package from a teaching pro . more dollar value than the bag . will improve gams dramatticly . but on the other hand if it improves him to much . avoid becoming a golf widow . sounds like you both have great future congrats from a old guy . wish you both the best . well done  

  9. scotty cameron makes great putters, so does oddesey, but i would rather scotty cameron

    you should look at these putters

    they have all of the best brands!!!

  10. How about a voucher to play golf or for golf tuition?

    At least he can book a game when ever he wants.

    Have a look at

  11. If he usually walks, then get the Titleist X80 Carry Bag or the Sun Mountain Superlight 3.5 or Sun Mountain Swift.  I'm a caddie and these bags are really light and reliable too.  As for a putter, don't pick one out for him.  Offer to pay for one that he likes.  The putter can save strokes on the course and is one of the most important clubs in the bag.  He has to feel comfortable and confident standing over it.  Just buying one that people here recommend may end up hurting him in the long run.  If all else fails, you could buy him a Bushnell Range Finder.  It measures the distance from any point to wherever you aim it at.  It's not really necessary, but it can save time from his pacing the distance off.  I hope this helps.

  12. for a bag, mizuno is pretty good.

    not so sure 'bout the putter though

  13. when is his birthday? will u have time to order something or will you have to go local i may have a few ideas

  14. him and a friend of his a round somewhere they have not played . like on the other side of the country and then have a girl party!

  15. Get the Odyssey putter for $99 and for the golf bag, get the same brand name of his club sets. A push cart is also nice gift to go along with the bag.

  16. I know that there is a place in Seattle that sell these golf balls and you can customize them. I think its called The Golf Place. You can get one and have it be his favorite color and his name on it or something. You can also get customized golf clubs. I hope this helps!

  17. Scotty Cameron Putters made by Titiliest.

    Odessy Putters

    Visit any golf retailer such as Golfers Warehouse, Edwin Watts Golf.

    Ask the people who work there what they recommend and what the have found that works. DO NOT go to a Sports Authority or all sports retailer. Go to a store that specilizes in golf only!

    For bags There are a few options. Does your husband walk on the course or use a golf cart or a pull cart.

    For Walking:

    This is a lightwieght bag with comforatable staps and a stand.

    You do not have to get this bag in specific but something along the lines of this.

    For a pull cart:

    Tese type of bags wiegh more than the others because the are ment to be pull on a cart. There is alot more pocket room so he can carry more.

    If he uses a Drive Cart:

    These are the best quality bag and can be personalized.

    These bags are also good if he has a caddy at the club he plays at.

    Heres some helpfull hints:

    Become knowlegdable about your husbands game before you go out and buy him something know if he plays left or righty! Know if hes walks or drives.

  18. scotty cameron makes great putters. these are kind of expensive though, im not sure how much you are willing to spend. i have a scotty cameron putter

    oddyssey putters are also very good. i like the white hot and the 2ball putter. my dad has the two ball

    ping craz-e is a good putter and a little cheeper

  19. well if he wants a new golf bag a new golf bag it is...

  20. If he likes to walk get him a ping Hoofer extreme golf bag, they are awesome golf bags and very light.  A great putter would be any scotty cameron putter.  If you get him a scotty cameron, you will be the best wife in this world!

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