
What would be a great routine for building my run.?

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I am getting back into running and want to build my endurence and my speed just a little. I am aiming for a 7 min. mile and would like to be able to keep that pace for 3 miles or more.




  1. If you have not been running for awhile what I would suggest is just slowly get back on the horse and build your base up by running 5 days a week easy and just keep increasing millage until you can run 5-6 miles without hurting or needing to stop. Once you get to that point is when you should start working on your speed and endurance for the 3 mile at 7 mins. So, once you feel that you have gotten back into shape you can start doing some running workouts. I will give you just a basic monday-friday workout it can expanded upon or changed depending on how you feel or how good of shape you are in. Monday-track workout (300,400,600,800,600,400,300,200,200,200... The times that you should hit should be 7 min pace for the mile. Tuesday easy 30 min jog to repair your muscles form monday. Wednesday 3 mille hard tempo run, you want to run this like it is a race this is when you will really start to see what kind of mile time you can carry. Thursday another 30 min easy jog. friday lone 60min-75minute run not jog. rest on the weekend. This will help you with getting your speed down and endurance up. If you stick to this workout you will get to your 7min goal. Good luck!!

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