
What would be a healthy lunch for a 14 year old to eat?

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I'm working on becoming healthier and slimmer, and need a combination (drink+food) for lunch. Could you help please? Thanks :D




  1. Do not eat lunchables, frozen, boxed, canned, or other processed foods often. They're often high in salt, fat, empty calories, dyes, and preservatives. They really do account for the majority of your calories, so the fresher you can get, the better. Also, most sauces (salad dressings, maple syrup, spaghetti sauce, etc) are often ridiculously high in salt and fat - which leads to extra calories. Also, the less ingredients in something, generally the better - you're less likely to be chok-full of preseratives and other unnecessary fillers. As a growing girl, you need all the nutrients you can get within your 2000-ish calories limit. Of course, consult a doctor to find the best food plan for you. Also, you may want to consider taking a multivitamin.


    Opt for whole wheats. Make sure this is the first ingredient. Too often we eat bleached white flour which has very little nutritional value. You can spice up the average sandwhich with wraps or pita bread. Avoid muffins, bagels, and frozen pancakes / waffles, crackers, croutons, and cookies as they're often "empty calories" - but don't deprive yourself of them. If you love bagels with cream cheese for breakfast, go light on the cream cheese and only have a bagel once a week.


    Go for the lighter meats. The fat content is usually displayed on the package. Poultry and fish are generally the leanest meats available. You can also get your protein through nuts, peanut butter, beans, eggs (the whites are best!), and soy. Trail mix is a very filling snack. Smoothies or a banana and trail mix make a nutritious, filling breakfast. Soy milk and other soy products will give you more protein. Some soy "meats" are very gross, so you'll really want to experiment with it. Go to your health food store, one of the workers in there is bound to be a vegetarian that has a favorite. Beans are a very good replacements for meat; they're cheaper, lower in fat, and high in other nutrients not found in meats.


    Milk is very high in excess fat and calories. Humans are the only animals that drink milk in adulthood. Only have milk with your cereal or occasionaly with cookies if you like to dunk them. Go for skim milk; if you don't like the taste, buy your regular and the one below it, mix them, and gradually get to skim. Yogurt is very good for you also, but make sure there's no aspartame in it. Aspartame is a artificial sweetener that has been found to cause cancer. Opt for low fat dairy options, and only use one slice of cheese on your sandwhiches.

    Fruits and veggies:

    My health teacher once told me that you can eat just fruits and vegetables for the rest of your life, and not gain a single pound... the problem with that though, is it's quite a boring life and you'd probably die from not enough nutrients. Make sure you get at least one serving of fruits and veggies in every meal, and fill in your snack time with them too. You can have as many snacks as you'd like through out the day, if they're fruits and vegetables. Many nutritionists are even saying that eating often throughout the day in smaller portions will help you lose weight. Try freezing your favorite fruits before you eat them, making fruit salads, or adding fruits and vegetables to things such as cut up bananas and strawberries in peanut butter sandwhiches, grilled vegetables, add them to rice, brocolli in pasta, fruit cocktale in jello, tomatoes on grilled cheese sandwiches. Fill up your sandwiches with lettuce and tomato in meat-based sandwiches and cut up fruits in peanutbutter based sandwiches.

    I hope that helps you! You can also check out myfoodpyramid to get an idea of how much of each food group you need.

  2. a peanut butter sandwich with bananas on 100% whole wheat bread and low-fat/non-fat milk. a salad and water. turkey on whole wheat bread with mustard or a mayo substitue with milk. fruit as a snack with these meals would be good too

  3. i dont know any recipes specifically but if you like mayo on a sandwhich replace it with avacado. it gives you the creaminess without the unhealthy fats.

  4. i dont eat lunch i trained my body so i dont feel the need to eat in the afternoon and i am the skinniest i have ever been!!!!!

  5. turkey sandwich with lettuce tomato

    fat free thousand island

    with water and a crystal light drink mix

    for snack one of those hundred calorie packs

    or fruit: grapes, apples, banana

    other meals could be canned soup or lunchables

  6. About 16 hamburgers and 1,000 fries.

  7. It all depends.

    When I was 14 year old I won the gold for the judo nationals and I remember that when we went to the seaside for the day my mother brought 14 sandwitches for me to eat, one for each year of my life.

    Some had ratatouille in it, some had nutella.

    Can't remember much else of when I was 14 but I sure was healthy, still am at 47. I can still swim 15 miles in one go and people don't believe it. It takes me three hours and a bit.

    My advice to you would me to start running 10 miles every day through the woods and eat lots of chicken and fish and potatoes. Boiled ones. And carrots and celery (raw)

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