
What would be a nice present for Austrians?

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What type of things would make nice gifts from the U.S. for my Austrian friends? Is there anything in particular that they often like that can only be gotten in the U.S.?

I am probably going to Austria soon, particularly Vienna. I want to know what would be a good thing to bring for my Austrian friends. It has to be not too bulky and easy to carry with me. I have heard that you should always bring a gift when you visit their homes, so thought it would be cool to bring something from home.

Please don't say to ask them, because I would like it to be a surprise. Also, don't say "something from your region". I haven't been able think of anything particular from where I live specifically. I would like some specific suggestions please.

Also, should you bring something every time you come to the same people's house?




  1. Funny thing is when I went to Ireland, I brought Ring Dings and they were estatic over them...

    Now Austrian is a lot like German so just put yourself in a beer and pretzel frame of mind when deciding what to get them.

  2. First of all - you do not need to bring something every time you go to some body's house, it's just a very nice gesture saying thanks for sb's hospitality.

    As far as you can generalize a whole nation I'd say that most of us have a sweet tooth - so you could bring some sweet stuff (of course we can buy Snicker, Mars & M&M's in shops here as well but something more special would be a very nice gift).

    A friend from the States who stayed in my house once brought me a pancake mix and prepared for breakfast  - I really liked that idea because we usually don't eat pancakes in the morning and prepare them differently. When they are your friends (and it's not a visit on an official basis) you could just offer cooking something typical from your area for them - it will highly be appreciated.

    Once I got a book "American cooking for foreigners" - lovely idea as well.

    Anyway - as this gift is just a gesture of friendship and gratefulness whatever you are giving them will be just fine . One last thing - don't spend too much money on it - it's really just a gesture!!

    Hope you are going to have an amazing trip!

  3. Most Europeans smoke, starting with teenagers on up.  They usually love strong American cigarettes and many will even ask if you've brought any.  You usually can't go wrong giving smokes though in the U.S. it might be considered a dubious gift.

  4. We had an Austrian exchange student....we always sent her stuff to make somors (marshmellows, and grahm crackers...they have the chocolate) ....she absolutely loves it and they don't have anything like that there.  besides that you could have your mom make them some pot holders are jazz like that if she crafty......

    .....when our exchange student came over she brought a book of vienna over so we could see different places that she saw all the time and learn about her if you live in or by a big town you can get a book with a bunch of landmarks.....ideas

  5. It all depends on who you are visiting: if it's for teenagers or young adults they would love American jeans, Tshirts, etc. For older adults - jewellery (like local jade, silver, etc); a paperweight or ornament (ex, small glass one carved with an American icon); calendars of American landscapes; local art prints (unframed and rolled up into a tube); food items like smoked salmon (purchased vacuum packed), maple syrup, box of girl guide cookies, etc.

    No, you do not need to bring something every time you visit your friend - unless it's a special occasion like someone's birthday or anniversary - then you bring flowers or chocolates.

    A word of warning - the cakes in Austria are sinfully delicious - and it is customary to be served cake and coffee (and liquour) every time you drop by someone's house. When you spend two weeks doing this ... it means extra time at the gym when you get back home.


    Petra M, Vancouver

  6. Liederhosen. Ya.

  7. It depends on the age.

    When i was there, I brought gifts for young and old.  The younger kids loved t-shirts!  Anything with California or Disneyland or New York, or anything AMERICAN at all.

    For adults i brought them nice things from around where I live.  Another friend of mine brought them orange soap because he is from Redlands, CA.  They like things like that.

    And if you really want to impress, bring them Levi Jeans.  They are so expensive over there ($200+) and they will love them like no tomorrow!

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