
What would be a reason for my 17 year old brother to not wipe after using the bathroom? He really stinks!?

by  |  earlier

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I've asked him, but he won't talk about it. He also doesn't like to shower, and is a physically active person.




  1. I was gonna have something to eat but after reading this I'm not so sure. He sounds disgusting and the stench coming off him must be horrendous. If I were you I'd enlist some friends strip him naked and scrub him down with a stiff broom.

  2. just let him do what he wants eventually other people will say to him 'you stink' so he will learn one day and the bathroom thing put a giant sign up  

  3. eww all i have to say

  4. You should get him checked by your family doc. He could have a mental problem, maybe physiologically. (In your head.) Take him to a doctor and/or a psychologist.

    I really hoped I Helped!!  

  5. that is just plain that age, he needs counseling..BLEK!

  6. That's repulsive and unhealthy.  Make your parents aware of the severity of the situation and they should have a talk with him.  He may have mental issues that are causing him to neglect his hygiene.

  7. Thats just gross!!! Make fun of hm all the time. Maybe he will get the hint and clean up!

  8. Maybe he's a douchbag?

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