
What would be a scenario to show the difference between someone who is driving offensively and someone who...?

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is driving recklessly? Do you think there is a difference?




  1. I do not know - but, you probably would not have to drive defensively if there were not offensive drivers.

  2. It's an opinion thing.  One person might think one thing...  another might think differently.

  3. I think there definately is a difference between reckless driving and offensive/aggresive driving.

  4. Sounds like a football game to me!!! U Do whatever makes U the winner!! Was that an awesome touchdown R What!!!

  5. Generally speaking, there has to be someone to offend if you want to be an offensive driver. For example, tailgating. It's impossible to tailgate someone if you are the only driver on the road, so that would fall under the offensive driving umbrella. So would stopping quickly in front of someone, cutting them off intentionally, or in general retaliating against people who you think did you wrong. Reckless, on the other hand, could be done alone. Driving 150 miles an hour on a lonely interstate by yourself with no other cars around is reckless, because you could do damage to yourself and property, but you're not being offensive to anyone. You can certainly be reckless while driving around other people, because even though you don't have to be offensive toward anyone in particular, you can still be reckless by speeding and running red lights or undertaking other dangerous behavior that endangers other people. I put it to you that reckless and offensive are two different things, however they can have identical results. In a perfect world, there should be zero percent offensive or reckless drivers and 100 percent defensive drivers. Any percentage of offensive or reckless drivers above zero is a bad thing.

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