
What would be a tight skate name?

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What would be a tight skate name?




  1. Christian Hosoi, Steve Caballero, Master Chief Sword Swallower

  2. well it all depends on wat brand of skateboard you prefer like say you prefer to ride element so a cool nickname for that would be like the master of elements or something like that just make a nickname off of that and ask your freinds if they think it sounds cool and if they dont just make snother up until you get a cool one

  3. what??skate name?? just use your real name...

  4. u mean a nick name? i don't know, i got the nick name iron man from bull riding, because my bones are very strong

  5. who the h**l has a skate name?

  6. the cheese

  7. for a crew? maybe like


    weak knees

    morning wood lmfao


    toolbox cuz of all the mallets you bring!

    lmfao im kidding. just pick three letters that sound cool together and pretend they stand for something cool.

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