
What would be a very good Art school to attend. FIT, or Parsons school for design?

by Guest56647  |  earlier

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I know that both of these schools are very good for art, but I keep thinking which one is better for learning how to be a Video Game Programmer/ for graphic design. I know that FIT is well known for there Technology department. I do know that Parsons is well known throughout the US for the school itself. Out of the two which school do you think is better?




  1. sorry to tell you this. but neither of those schools will ever meet your needs to pursue the ultimate interdisciplinary educational experience in video game design or programming.

    perhaps one of the best art AND technologically driven schools, Carnegie Mellon University has a very good robotics department as well as a virtual reality course offering. i absolutely love this school. you should most definitelly check it out. i went one summer for a precollege course and knew fellow students who took the game design course

    see link:

    and said it was pretty phenomenal and one of a kind. definitelly look into the school.

    i think what you do is get a undergrad in computer science and proceed onto this masters program in gaming design:

    link to college of computer sciences:

    best of luck to you! carnegie mellon is a wonderful place to research about.

  2. Does FIT even offer video game design? I don't think they do. They are a fashion college. They are one of the top fashion colleges in the world, but they are a fashion college, not a broad art school. I don't think they are a fit.

    I'll have you check the following excellent, broad art schools to see if they offer video game design and/or graphic design. Most should offer graphic design, but I'm less sure of game design in some cases.

    - Parsons

    - School of Visual Arts

    - RISD

    - School of the Art Institute of Chicago

    - Carnegie Mellon (excellent for game design)

    - Cal Arts (excellent for game design)

    - Mass Art

    - Pratt Institute

    - The Cooper Union

    - Cranbrook Academy

    - Art Center College of Design

    - Maryland Institute College of Art

    - Rochester Institute of Technology

    - San Francisco Art Institute (NOT part of the AI chain of schools, which is to be avoided)

    - Temple U

    - University of the Arts

    - Otis College of Art

    - UCLA

    - NYU

    - UC San Diego

    Note that some of those are broader universities, not pure art schools, but I list them because they offer fabulous art programs, very well respected.

    And if you're really sure about game design, you could look at Digipen. They have an amazing rep in this field, but don't offer graphic design. They are completely focused on game design.

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