
What would be an appropriate disney preschool dvd to give a little girl on her 1st birthday?

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What would be an appropriate disney preschool dvd to give a little girl on her 1st birthday?




  1. give her a classic one! Like 101 Dalmatians or Cinderella

  2. any Disney classic would be a great gift!Stick with one that has a princess and you cant go wrong :)

  3. Given that children spend far too much time in front of the TV I think it would be much better to get her a book or another type of fun educational toy. Children can soak up so much and need the biggest variety of experiences possible which a dvd cannot provide.

    Wooden toys are great as the plastic ones are really bad for their health and the environment. You can find some amazing toys on the internet and they arent that expensive either.

    Hope this helps...sorry to be on such a downer about the dvd - and maybe she has got lots of educational toys, I don't know the parents so aren't judging them at all!!! ....but i just hate to see children lacking in skills because their parents don't know how to provide for them......

  4. I have a 3yo and a 2 yo and I haven't found a Disney DVD which is appropriate. Many of them are about good vs evil and the evil characters (in Disney) are very scary for young children. The tension built up by the music can also terrify a small child. The tamest is probably Alice in Wonderland (which my 3 yo is terrified of).

    I'd buy an educational toy myself.

  5. No, Soft Toys would be better.

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