
What would be appropriate punishment for d**k Cheney's deletion of climate change info to protect polluters?

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What should happen to a man who puts business concerns ahead of the future of our planet and the survival of our species?




  1. Congressional medal of freedom.  It's been turned into the biggest joke around.  He can enjoy it with Pace, Meyers, Tenet, Franks, and Bremer.

  2. Tar and feather him.  Then boil him in oil.

  3. There's a part of me that hopes there is a God, because He will mess Cheney up "big time."

    For the "Cheney is a patriotic American" crowd--you know that he managed to get 5 (count 'em, 5) draft deferments during the Vietnam War?

  4. He should be put to work filling sandbags in the flooded Midwest,for the rest of his life!

  5. For him to be thrown into a cage full of all the endangered species so that the animals can deal with him.

    Like Iron Man.He saved all the people who were being tortured by the guys who had kidnapped him and he left the one bad guy for the hostages to deal with him.

  6. Get a life guy.  Do something that actually helps people.

    The environmentalist whack-offs have done enough damage.  

    Thank you Mr. Cheney.

  7. He should be praised for trying to curtail the lies. How about we let the skeptics have some face time for once.

  8. Great idea, Johann.

    To answer seriously, I am not sure if a VP can be impeached, but I believe he should be.

  9. Cast him off on a raft to Cuba.

  10. Delection of a similar fraction of his medical report / medical history before handing d**k over to his surgeon.

  11. Oh, I dunno, I think the man deserves a long, tropical island holiday... perhaps on Kiribati, Tegua or Cateret (google them!) Islands, preferably without a snorkel...

  12. d**k will burn in h**l for many reasons, this just another in a long lists of evils from the d**k.

    But this shouldn't surprise most who know what a corrupt man Cheney is and always has been.  And those against the science of GW, well is this just another nail in your coffin of denial?

  13. It will be "Global Warming Worshippers" that destroy the human race.

  14. set him down in a nuclear wastland where he can never hunt or fish again -nor eat because of pollution.

  15. Death by exposure over a live volcano perhaps

    ,and if that takes to long ,by pollution over some industrial chimneys like these

    But it has to be death

  16. Your minds are so poisoned by partisanship that there is no rationality remaining.  d**k Cheney is an honorable American that actually cares about Ameirca.  It would be nice if the left joined us in the respect.  The US is the greatest country that the world has ever seen but the left is too busy blaming America for all of the worlds problems and pretending that America's prosperity is to blame for heating up the planet.  You leftists aren't  fit to shine Cheney's shoes.

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