
What would be away to smoke inside without anyone knowing?

by Guest59276  |  earlier

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What would be away to smoke inside without anyone knowing?




  1. JUST WAIT TILL YOUR 18 and then do what the **** u want.

    but if u cant wait do what the dude said about the sofner sheets but dont leave it laying around ....and do it in the laundry room also if they smell it say u have a friends mom that smokes in the car while ur there.

  2. haha, bro, i got the perfect solution. i've used this for 420 as well as cigs. you will need a toiliet paper roll, some tape, and a bunch of fabric softener sheets (the scented kind).

    take one of the sheets and tape it to one of the ends of the toilet paper roll. then, stuff some more into the tube. whenever you smoke, blow into the tube and when the smoke comes out, it releases the scent of the fabric softener sheets.

    give it a try. :-D

  3. DONT DO IT!! they will know. i hurts the ppl round u. my bro smoked it just about killed me. i was young & didnt understand y he did it. i still dont. it cost $ (LOTS). u smell bad u get addicted.

    i hope u listen to me

  4. There's no way. Honestly, smoke travels up a person's nostrils faster than people assume. It's best to do it outside. Moreover, supposing you do master concealing your smoking inside, does that make it perfectly okay to secretively affect a person's health like that? Smoking releases toxins.. Outside.... Inside, doesn't matter. Sooner or later, those toxins catch up to people.. So, not really. There's no real way to conceal smoking.

  5. At the theater I poke a hole in a paper popcorn cup and stick it in there so it doesn't show all the time and I sit on the side so that it doesn't show in the light. When I exhale i do it in my coat.

  6. OMG, when u have to think of ways to sneak in a place to smoke then u really have a problem, 4 simple letters to make one big word that would a really big difference to your life


  7. Get the nicotine gum for use inside, and then start to use it to give up smoking.

  8. Don't light the cigarette

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