
What would be best for our economy:trading more with african countries or with europe and china?

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What would be best for our economy:trading more with african countries or with europe and china?




  1. I don't know what country you are speaking from but I will answer as though it is the US.

    The US had better stop restricting internal development to appease special interest groups before the dollar sinks so low that we are the ones with the lowest cost toys (as made in China stood for in the 1950's) but still maintaining overly restrictive EPA DEP and Union agreements.

    I predict 1930 bread lines all over again in the US if something does not do a complete about face.

  2. personally, I don't think that only more trading can savage the economy from the financial disaster. the key problem is that the US have spent too much. the fundamental factors have very much damaged by some over aggressive economic and international policies. The wars have been draining the economy to a bottomless hole. the financial market is reacting with the brewing of years. A radical move is necessary for the current status, which could get the economy from the loop. But I don't know what kind of move could be. the current policies in hands obviously do not help very much including incentives for more trading. the economy have just got a sick, but not a cough or cold anyway.

  3. Trade with either or all, just get rid of trade restrictions.  That would be best...

  4. I don't know where you are, but of course the answer is both.

    The idea of trade is to trade with the counter parts with the best comparative advantage in each product. So China is great at certain things, so you buy those from them, and african nations are good at supplying other things, so you trade with them for those products.

    Which you do more with will then depends on which products you need more of.

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