
What would be cheaper? Sanding and refinishing a current hardwoor floor or have carpet placed down?

by  |  earlier

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thanks everyone..i'm sold on the hardwood...$200 a room isn't bad at all




  1. Hi, I would refinsh the hardwoods which would probably be the least expensive. There is no right or wrong answer as some people prefer something soft to walk on like carpets and others don't like carpets cause they hold allergens. I prefer hardwood and found a good site that will give you some benefits of hardwood http://www.hardwoodlaminateflooringguide... Hope this helps.

  2. My husband has refinished all the floors in our house for about two hundred dollars per room.  He rents the sander at the rental center, and it only takes about half a day for the sanding and clean up.  The finish takes several coats with drying and light sanding in between.  They're really beautiful and a lot easier to care for than the carpet we ripped out.  If time isn't a problem, then the refinishing is going to be much less expensive than carpet.

  3. Go with Hardwood floors. You can DIY much cheaper .or hire some one either way hardwood floors will add more value to your home in the long run.

  4. Trust me darlin - you DO NOT WANT CARPET, unless you have NO CHOICE... Carpet is a MAJOR HARBORER of bacteria and dirt and is VERY unhealthy to have in your house. Now ofcourse you want it in SOME areas like:

    Bedrooms, SMALL living room, etc... BUT I WOULD NOT PUT IT WHERE THERE IS "TRAFFIC"... IT"S SO GROSS... We just got done ripping out a bunch of carpet so that we can remodel our house and the areas that had carpet were SO NASTY!!!  


    IF you don't want to do it yourself, HIRE SOMEONE. IT WILL BE A GOOD INVESTMENT. Just get bids from several contractors, and take a MIDDLE bid, NOT THE LOWEST...

    Good LUCK!!

  5. Depends on if you do it yourself or hire it done.  Either way, I would go with the hardwood.  They are in style and add value to your home over time.  Hardwood is also better if anyone in your house has asthma or allergies.  Carpet is nice and soft, but really loses value over time, because it will need to be replaced (wear and tear, dirt) and people have differing tastes in color and style.  Hardwood is such a classic and will be less expensive for sure over the long run.

  6. Although carpet can be purchased for less than .99 cents a square foot, it will not last and will definitely not be an attritube when/if you sell.

    I would get a few estimates from some professional hardwood flooring refinishers. Most flooring refinishers offer free estimates and can be found in your local Yellow Pages. Look for an established company that has been in business a long time.

    Sanding and refinishing a hardwood floor is not a job for amateurs, no matter what some posters have claimed. Your savings will be negligible and the results will be disappointing. Rental companies do not stock the type of professional sanding equipment hardwood refinishers use and of course homeowners lack the years of training and hands on experience the workers at a reputable company have working on wood floors.^

  7. Go for the carpet.  That sanding and refinishing business is for the birds.

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