
What would be consider a healthy snack to go to Kindergarden with for snack time for a child. Thank you?

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I know veggies and crackers are okay but what elsa would also be good. Any good ideals ? Thank you




  1. Granola bars



    Cheese slices/cubes

    Veggie sticks




  2. maybe apple dips. ya know with the caramel or peanut butter

    and a juice box would be good. or any kind of fruit

    or granola bars.

    u can go to the store and get fruit packages just for snax


    hope this helps

  3. I'd ask before sending juice. Some teachers only allow water to drink in the room. Remember to send any utensils your kid might need to eat with (a spoon or fork.)

    The other suggestions are great. The only things I have to add to their lists are: a piece of toast or a biscuit, muffins (be careful to check the label first some muffins are terrible for you, it's the same with granola bars), jell-o cups, dried fruit, and pretzels.

  4. cheese sticks

    granola bars

    pre-packaged carrot's with ranch or celery sticks & pb

  5. Knives and guns and thoose salty peanuts mixed with fruit loops and a 55 magnum.

  6. Keep in mind that some children have food allergies (peanut butter, eggs, milk, etc) and teachers/schools may not allow these foods in the classroom.

    But you can't go wrong with fruits and vegetables.  Anything that needs peeling should be peeled at home.  100% fruit juice is good as well.

    Other (simple/no prep/no fridge) items include:

    cereal bars





    trail mix

    graham crackers


    animal crackers

    gold fish

    rice cakes

  7. What about some granola bars. I think they're good

  8. Just give them cookies and milk that's fine

  9. I would send him with a whole pumpkin.

  10. ants on a log:

    celery stick with peanut butter dotted with raisons.

    peanut butter play dough (edible and yummy):

    1 c. peanut butter

    1/4 c. honey

    1/2 c. powdered milk

    Mix together to make a playdough.

    Optional: Wheat germ, coconut, decorations: raisins, nuts.

    Use as regular playdough, then eat!

  11. Pieces of fruit like apple or pear. Minnie juice boxes.

  12. grapes and apple slices.....

  13. Some favorites I can think of:


    Fruit loops


    graham crackers w/peanut butter or plain

    fruit slices w or w/o dipping sauce

    veggie slices

    fruit snacks

    granola bars


    fruit cup


  14. here are some of the favorites of my children....

    crackers and cheese or peanutbutter

    fruit slices (like apples and cheese)

    fruit rollups/fruit snacks(check the labels and choose the ones made with juice like welches)

    veggies with yogurt or ranch dip

    string/cubes of cheese

    gogurt (yogurt in a tube)

    pickles and cheese

    granola/fruit bars

  15. i worked at a preschool and the kids always liked cereal, either dry or with milk. preferably the heatlhy kind of course lol, or at least honey nut cheerios......not lucky charms or any of that sugar junk.

  16. granola bars, fruit rollups, cubes or strings of cheese, yogurt cups, applesauce cups, pudding cups, fruit cups, there favorite cereal in a baggie to eat dry

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