
What would be considered as acceptable societal standards?

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and who sets them ?




  1. The law can be considered a neutral, objective arena that sets societal standards.

  2. It depends a lot in your environment, there are lots of diferent standars depending on the country, the economical and social status, religions, and other factors.

    They are usually set by the society, the group creates them in order to mantain better human relationships between the members of the group. But i guess they come from our own concious that can tell us what we can do, and what we shouldn't in order not to bother the one who is next to you.

    I'm sure, many times this can be double standard, and some of them have a lot of hypocrisy, but i'm sure we, as human as well as comunities, and societyes, yet have a lot to learn and to improve to make those better for everybody.

    In the mean while, we should follow them

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