For my birthday, my girlfriend went far beyond excepted. She got this huge black mug, and she laminated stuff and glued things on it and it was real sweet and nice. She put a stuffed polar bear in it, because my favorite animal was polar bears. She also bought me American Eagle clothes. She got my chocolate bars, and a real sweet card.
Her birthday is on the last day of June, and I want to make my present as good, or even better.
I cant go to any fancy stores or anything, but I can bike to walmart over the summer when my parents dont know, ha.
My fund: 75$
And in my junior high woodshop class, i made a puzzle and the picture is us together.
Im also giving her my beloved polar bear, that I've had for over 8 years. People who went to my elementary school (including her) knows how much i love it, i bring it to show and tell and it really means a lot to me and she knows that too. So I wanna give it to her.
Any other suggestions?